They didn't plan on sitting at McDonald's as long as they did. When Tony got his cheeseburger, the time had seemed to fly by. At first, it was just their usual sneaky comments and sarcastic jokes, but now they actually came in on subjects about themselves.

The burger had been eaten in less than ten minutes, but they still didn't even think about leaving and go on different paths. And none of them cared about how their phones buzzed now and then, because Bucky and Bruce didn't seem to understand that they were busy and couldn't hang out right now.

"Wait so you just left? Just like that?" Tony asked with a confused laugh at Steve's first date story. No idea how they got onto that subject.

"Yea! She was really creepy! How was I supposed to- stop laughing it's not funny!" Steve said as Tony couldn't stop laughing with his hand resting on his forehead.

"I-I just...I can just imagine how stupid you must have looked!" Tony chuckled while not even trying to calm down his laugh.

Steve rolled his eyes, even though a big smile already had forced itself on his face and didn't plan on disappearing

"Oh please you would have done the same thing." Steve defended and crossed his arms over his chest while laying back in his chair.

Tony calmed down a little and ran his hand through his hair, still the same little judging smirk on his face. "Yea probably.." he said before chuckling a little. "But I would've been honest and not just run out of the restaurant. She probably thought you hated her."

"Well what should I've said?" Steve asked with a fake irritated voice. "That she wasn't my type?"

"Yes!" Tony almost yelled and threw out his hands which made Steve laugh.

"But that's rude!" He defended himself, even though he knew he sounded like a laughing idiot.

"And running out in the middle of a date isn't?"

"I- uh- no? I mean yes- but I panicked!" Steve said which made Tony throw his head back, letting out a laugh that made Steve's heart jump inside of his chest.

He had never seen Stark laugh before. Okay yes he had. Plenty of times. But it was often teasingly or just rude. But now he was laughing for real, at something that Steve had said that wasn't rude or mean. He laughed because he thought Steve was funny.

The blond couldn't help but feel proud of himself.

They hadn't even fought...yet. They have never been able to talk to each other without saying at least one rude or offending comment. So why would this be different?

"Speaking of panic." Steve said while looking at the other guy, who was watching him with sweet and innocent eyes. "Before the game, you spoke about T'challa. Bucky didn't want to tell me about what happened between them." He said, noticing how Stark shifted a little in his seat while breaking eye contact. His raven-haired didn't answere at first. He only had his eyes locked at something unclear outside the window.

"It was in middle school." Tony finally said, which made Steve tilt his head, waiting for him to continue.
"Bucky had pulled a harmless prank on the guy, but it didn't turn out well." He said, still not looking at Steve.

"What happened?" The blond asked while leaning in a little.

Tony bit his lip hesitantly. "He made it look like T'challa's dad had tried to hack into the FBI system."

Steve's mouth fell open. Wait what?

"Which made them look very suspicious, so the police were after a year." Tony kept talking, now fingering on the edge of the table. Trying to scratch out a piece of wood while ignoring Steve's stare.

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now