022 - Sol's Apology

Start from the beginning

Sol purred, "I think it's strange," he mumbled deeply. "A few seconds ago, we were enemies. Now look at us, we're potential mates." 

Phoenix winced at his words. I can't have a mate, she thought. Not now. She looked awkwardly down, making Sol lower his ears and tail and frown. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that-" Phoenix cut him off with her tail before he could continue.

"Don't, it's okay." Phoenix shot him a small, reassuring smile. Her eyes was soft. When she saw he looked uneasy again, she leaned forward to lap at his fluffy chest. That was until they heard a loud shout and hissing. She pulled away from him, narrowing her eyes at the commotion. 

"I demand you step down from your position!" Mama White yowled at her leader. The scrawny molly's fur was raised as she drew her lips back into a snarl. "We don't want a traitor in this clowder! That includes your daughter!"

 The last few words stabbed Phoenix in the heart.

Honey rolled his eyes and avoided the last statement she made, "in what way am I a traitor? All I did was fall in love, Mama White. I can't control my emotions!"

"But you can control your actions! I remember you coming home with a kitten. Who's was it, huh?"

"Lux was her kitten, but I have no relation to Lux!" 

Apollo stepped forward, "he's right. Lux is not his child but even if Lux was, you have no right to tell him what to-"

She was cut off by Mama White batting her across the face with a paw and leaning forward to bite at Apollo's neck. Phoenix could smell Honey's feral instincts kick in. He leapt onto Mama White, his claws digging into her sides as he bit into her back. She yowled for mercy, wriggling her body to shake him off.He pulled away, and hopped to the side to let Mama White fall. Looming over her, he placed a paw on her side. He smirked at her fear rose-scent, 

Flint piped up, "Honey, stop! There's no need for this!"

"He's right," Snowy said. "Please, that's my mother!"

Honey spun around to glare at the two adults, his eyes wide as if he was going insane. "Silence," he growled in a low, demanding tone. "I decide her fate, not you! I'll let her live, but she is not to eat any prey in this forest and must catch her own."

Crystal gasped, "but she can't defend herself, she's too old! She can hardly jump!"

"That's not my problem," he turned to Mama White, releasing his grip on her. "Now leave."

Mama White scrambled away, bounding off into the leaves. Phoenix lowered her ears and sighed. I wonder if he did this while I was away?

Sol narrowed his eyes at Phoenix, staring darkly. "He did that to my mother," he growled. "But killed her instead."

Phoenix turned to him, "he did?"

"Yes, I was only a kitten when it happened but I still remember it like it was yesterday." He leaned his body to one side, revealing the scar on his shoulder. "This is what he did to me."

"I see why you hate him. You probably think the same of me since I'm his daughter."

"Indeed. I believed that when you fell, you'd turn into Honey. I'm glad to say that I was wrong."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Angel told me. She also said you needed my support in something, but I don't know what."

"I don't need help right now, but thanks."

Phoenix leaned forward to lick his cheek. Sol looked at her flustered, but gave her a small smile. She returned the smile and stood up, she looked to see if Sol was going to follow her. When she saw he wasn't, she gestured to him with her tail. He stood up quickly, and she noticed his nervous scent. It amused her, a lot.

"Where are you taking me?" Sol asked as they started walking.

"To my cave, is there a problem?" Phoenix glanced at him and raised an eyebrow. "I only want to sleep, and I want you to be by my side. Is there something that's bothering you?"

Sol's lips parted, but he shook his head and walked to her side expectantly. "N-No, let's go."

 Phoenix wanted to ask him if he told Snowy about her murder but decided not to. Phoenix looked up at the sky. If it's a full moon and Sol's apologizing, he might know something about the prophecy. That's all she really wanted from him. Perhaps he could decipher it, or at least help her out a bit. 

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