018 - Accusations

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Phoenix walked back to the pond with Crystal's kitten in her jaws. She let Crystal lay down before placing Alaska beside her. She lapped at their foreheads, as if to tell them they were welcome to become friends. She walked away without a word, her mixed-scent was heavy and scaring cats away. She knew she had to find Flint so he could help her, but where was he?

"Hello, Phoenix." Honey's deep growl sent shiver's down her spine. She turned to look at him, her ears low as she let out a small, nervous chuckle. His unimpressed gaze silenced her. "Where have you been? I was looking for you."

Phoenix panicked. Excuse, find an excuse quickly. "I was searching for Heather." She lied, her tail thrashing about as she looked away from him.

His ears flickered in annoyance. "Sure doesn't smell like it."

"Intruders sure do put up a fight sometimes. Their scent must have rubbed off on me."

Phoenix watched as Honey sighed and brushed past her. He clearly wasn't pleased to see her. She shook her head and turned to look at Sol. He was alone, looking down at the ground coldly.

She padded towards a mint bush, sniffing for any hidden thorns. The cats told her about thorns being hidden inside mint bushes. She laid down in it, rolling around to hide her scent. Scrambling to her feet, she walked towards the lonely tom. He narrowed her eyes at her as she crept up behind him.

She had to hide her nervousness and fear from the tom. She gave him a small smile. "Mind if I sit beside you?" She questioned him, earning an eyeroll.

"Do as you please," he responded. "You are our almighty leader, aren't you?"

She sat beside him, drawing her tail around her paws. "What happened?"

"Oh, what happened? My friends are all dead and Silver's keeping secrets from me!"

"What do you mean all dead? Surely, Heather's still alive?"

"If she is, she's a traitor!" Sol's claws dug into the earth as he drew his lips back into a snarl. He wanted to say something more and was going to, until the fresh scent of blood reached his nostrils.

Snowy walked towards the pond with Cocoa's scruff in his jaws. He struggled to drag the tabby forward and dropped him, feeiing exhausted. Their bodies were full of scratches and wounds, as if a bloody battle had arisen. Blood had stained Snowy's pelt, dying it different shades of red and pink. Snowy's cold gaze landed directly on Sol and he dipped his head. He moved his gaze to the pregnant molly, Nutmeg, who stared horrfied. "I'm sorry. I couldn't save him."

Nutmeg was the first to walk over. Her heartbroken eyes fell upon the cat she loved most. She placed a paw onto his neck. A cat bit into him quite hard. "What cat would do this to a blind cat?" She asked quietly. "What cat would stoop so low?"

Snowy shook his head. "Cocoa died in vain. He was suffering with his blindness-"

Nutmeg raised her voice. "You did this, didn't you? You wanted him dead!"

"Nutmeg, I wouldn't do that to you. God knew the agony and pain he endured, so he sent wolves after his scent and they mauled him to death."

Sol growled. "I bet it was those North-Forest wolves. They're known for killing for no absolute reason."

Snowy nodded in agreement. "Indeed. What I find more shocking is that Flint was amongst them." Snowy looked over at Phoenix searching for her emotions. When he saw the cold look in her eyes, he continued. "I didn't think he'd ever let a cat die like that."

"He's a traitor!" Honey yowled. That's when Phoenix stood up.

"No, that can't be true. I was close to North-Forest and didn't pick up any wolf scent." She announced defensively. "Flint isn't a traitor, it's a mistunderstanding!"

"Enough!" Nutmeg was now looming over the dead body . Tears streamed down her face as she sat down beside her mate. "We don't need this."

Sol lowered his ears, walking towards Cocoa. The horror in his eyes was unexplainable. He was violently shaking as if he was holding back tears. "Why did it have to be you, dad?" He whimpered. He looked back at Honey, who turned away dismissively. Anger rose in his throat, did he really not care about Cocoa?

After a few moments of silence, Flint walked towards them. He looked down at the dead cat, surprised. "Oh no, Cocoa! What happened?"

Honey stepped over the dead body. He was calm and didn't seem angry in any way. He spoke in a soft manner, "I am going to ask you this once and be honest. I will not serve any punishment." Honey turned towards the tabby. "Did you kill him?"

Flint shook his head. "I would never-"

"Liar!" Snowy jumped forward, ignoring Honey who made an attempt to silence him. He looked up at the grey wolf, letting out a dangerous scent as his fur bristled. "I saw you! You were with some wolves!"

Flint glanced at Snowy. "A pack of them? Was there a grey she-wolf with fur like mine?" When Snowy nodded, he cursed under his breath and bounded away. "I'll be back."

Snowy was about to follow but Honey stopped him. "Let him go. He has a reason for this."

"What do you mean?"

"He's not a cat. He's loyal to his species. Wherever his heart lies, that will be up to him."

Sol piped up. "How could you say that? Flint could have stopped the murder if he was there! He's the reason Cocoa is dead."

"Sit in vigil, Sol." Honey responded coldly. He didn't turn to face the younger tom. Instead he began to walk off, letting the cool breeze hit his pelt.



Sol hissed in annoyance. His tail thrashed about in the air as he angrily clawed the dirt under him. His voice was low, but loud enough for Phoenix to hear. "You only care about your kin," he stiffened up as more anger rose in his throat. He watched Honey leave and got to his paws.

Phoenix felt a shiver down her spine when she saw the look in his eyes. That look looked dangerous, as if the young tom was plotting against his leader. She heard Sol sigh and speak quietly with no emotion in his voice, but a slight quiver and voice crack.

"I'll get revenge on you if it's the last thing I do! Just you wait."

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