014 - The Chase

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Phoenix jogged back to the pond where the clowder was. She weaved around them, not caring if she bumped into a cat or two. She raised her head up into the air and sniffed. Her ears perked up as she tried to catch her father's scent. She closed her eyes as aeolian scents came to her but none of which could be identified as Honey's.

She thought about whether or not she should head back to the cave or head to her usual spot. By the judgemental stares, she was not wanted or welcome. Phoenix walked towards where Flint was sleeping, his chest rising and falling. Just as she was about to lay beside him, a yowl could be heard.

"Phoenix!" Honey was calling her. He seemed to be worried and panicking. Whatevet the problem was, she was sure it was urgent.

She ran over to him and cocked her head.

"Have you seen Heather?" He asked, he was unable to keep his voice stable. "She's disappeared."

Phoenix felt empathy for the tom. If something terrible. happened to the molly, he'd be devastated. "No. I don't speak to her either." Phoenix informed him with the shake of her head.

Honey seemed heartbroken. He sat down with his shoulders slumped, staring down at the ground with a vacant expression. He sighed as he tried to hide his sadness. Once all the tears were blinked away, he looked up at her. "You must stay in my sight at all times, I cannot risk losing you. If you die, there's no heir."

"Couldn't you just make another heir?"

"It's not as simple as you think." He chuckled. "You see-"

Phoenix's eyes became wider than a rabbit's tail as she shook her head frantically, her face cringing in disgust. "No!" She yowled. "You've told me this story about a hundred times, I don't want to hear it! It's so gross!"

Honey laughed, amusement brightening up his blue eyes. It seemed he had forgotten about his lost daughter. His long tail swayed as pride flooded him. His daughter really was something.

He looked up at the sky, his gaze shifting to the horizon. The sun was kissing the trees goodnight as it lowered, allowing the moon to say hello to the world. Its head could just about be seen, giving off some of its light and warmth.

"God has left for our ancestors to watch over us. That means its time for bed."

To Honey's surprise, Phoenix nodded. Giving him a lick goodnight, she ran to a branch which looked as if it had snapped under a tree. She positioned herself directly under the moonlight and laid down. She dragged her back paws towards her head and curled up into a ball. She fell asleep.


It was like an alarm clock went off in her head.

Her eyes shot open when she remembered about the tom she saw. She stood at the empty pond, all the cats had left to go find a place to sleep. The beautiful molly trekked away from the pond and deeper into the forest.

Phoenix caught a whiff of Red's scent. That scent would never not be her favourite scent. It was so relaxing and calming. As she got closer to the spot she met him at, the scent got warmer and heavier and she saw his blue-gray pelt under the moonlight. Her amber eyes flickered across his features, then moved to his face when he glanced at her.

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