Chapter Seventy-One

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"I can't let you into the Palace without a," he looked up to see me and his eyes widened, "Oh my god. I'm so sorry Miss (Y/N). I'll let you in immediately."

"Don't worry about it. It's good that security is careful around here. I commend you for doing your job," I smiled. 

The Guard pressed a button and the gates opened. I thanked him and drove into the main area of the Palace. I parked my car in its usual spot and walked to the doors of the palace. There was another guard there. He saw me and nodded, opening the doors for me. I walked into the palace and looked around. This place brought back so many memories. Everything looked the same here. I greeted a few servants, who looked surprised to see me. I walked to my old room. I wonder if Zuko had changed anything. There were plenty of rooms here, and I know that Ozai never altered my room, but after Zuko and I broke up, he might have. I walked down the hallway and eventually came to a familiar red door. I turned the gold doorknob and pushed the door open. 

Nothing had changed. 

I smiled. 

My mirror was sitting on top of a drawer like it always was. I had written all over it in permanent marker, which was still there. I walked over to the closet and opened it. I had some of my old clothes still inside. Of course, I hadn't touched those since I was 15. I closed the closet and walked over to my dresser. There were pictures on my drawer. Some of Zuko and I, one of my mom and I, and one of Ozai, Azula, Zuko, and I. No one looked happy in that picture. I glanced at my old shelf. My movies were still there. I picked up Kimi No Na Wa. I watched this with Zuko. I put the movie back on the shelf, and I walked over to my bed. The sheets were clean, but they were the same sheets I always had. I guess my room was still in the rotation for the maids. I laid down on my old bed and looked up at the ceiling. 

   "I thought I'd find you here."

I sat up to see Zuko in the doorway. He had a cup of bubble tea in one hand, and he was holding a bag in the other. He walked over and sat down next to me, handing me the bubble tea. 

   I smiled and took it from him, "Thanks."

   "No problem."

   I looked around the room, "Nothing has changed here."

   "Everything's changed here."

   I shook my head, "The TV is in the same spot, the mirror still has all my writing on it, there are the pictures I put up even the sheets are the same."

"No. It's different. Most of your clothes are gone. Your jewelry too. And," Zuko looked away, "It doesn't smell like you anymore. It used to smell like you in here because it's where you spent your time. But, you don't live in this room anymore. It's hauntingly empty," Zuko dropped the bag he was holding onto the floor and laid back onto the bed, shutting his eyes, "It doesn't smell like you anymore."

I sipped the bubble tea and set it down on the nightstand. 

   I hovered over Zuko, "I'm sorry."

   Zuko opened his eyes and looked up at me, "I love you."

   "I love you too."

Zuko sat up. I placed my hands on his shoulders. He was tense, and his expression was slightly troubled. Something was bothering him. 

   "What happened?" I asked him. 

   "What makes you think something happened?"

   "Come on, Zuko. I spent everyday with you for years. I know you."

Zuko chuckled and ran his hands through his hair, "It's my mother."

   "Your mom...?"

   "I talked to my father. I wanted to know what happened to her, but he refuses to talk to me. He'll only talk to Azula. And... Azula's..."

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