Ch-37 Troubles on the first day

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After the Great Library, we decided to visit the training arena.

The training arena as the name implies is a big arena for students to practice combat and magic.

Rather than an actual arena, it is like a tower with different floors for different propose.

Here students can learn to use different kinds of weapons under teachers who have mastery in that particular weapon. Generally, no one chooses more than three weapons because it is not possible to learn many weapons at the same time.

I also chose only daggers and sword as weapons for training.

The lowest floor is for students to practice on their own and it also has a challenging arena. Since fighting is prohibited in the Academy so students solve any dispute in the challenging arena. And until its within challenging arena and fighter followed the rules decided beforehand then teachers will overlook any incident.

We went in and found a very big room completely different in size compared to what it seems from outside.

The insides of the arena were made using high-level space so even though it seems small from outside it was very big from inside.

There were many areas for training and challenging. Some rooms for training against golems and other magic items.

Since this was a training floor for all the students there were many types of weapon wielders. There were swords, spears, daggers, hammer, bows, saber, rapier, hammers, and many more.

Many first years like us were just looking around, and some who were doing training or friendly spars.

|| So what you guys wanna do?
I asked.

|| Of course I am going to challenge the Tempest.
Cirun said with a lot of excitement in his eyes

Tempest is one of the training rooms on the first floor. But then why Cirun is so much excited about a training room, well that's because of the high difficulty of Tempest.

Tempest was made by some great magicians and warriors. Like some other training rooms, it also has golem opponents but unlike other training rooms where you have to fight a limited no of golems in Tempest the golems keep on coming until either you surrender or clear the room, and on top of that golems becomes more powerful with time. In Tempest, you cannot even rest because of the continuous wave of golems. Tempest not only tests one's strength but endurance too.

Manual-san here

it's been a while huh, so this time I am going to explain to you what are golems.

Now if you are a weeb and watch anime or read the manga you might know it. A golem is simply a robot not necessarily made of metal, it could be anything even dirt, and unlike a robot, golems run on mana provided by some mana source. It has high magic and physical defense.

Manual-san out

Ever since it has been opened no student had been able to clear the room. Soon the training room changed to a challenge, students kept on challenging the room to prove their strength. Since this was helping in student's growth Academy even installed a point and ranking system. Soon students kept on challenging the room to get as high rank as possible.

when we reached near Tempest we saw many students there.

|| Whoa there are a lot of students here.
Kuril said.

|| Considering the popularity of Tempest I expected this much.
Cirun said

|| But if there are this many students then wouldn't it take a long time before our turn could come.

|| I don't think so
Cirun said.

|| But why?

|| Well there are two reasons, first most of those students are first years and the tempest is no easy training room, so many of the first year wouldn't last more than one minute.

|| And second

|| Well you see even though the Tempest is referred to one room it five rooms, and these five rooms are to manage the traffic of students.

|| Cirun you are being the intelligent boy today
I said sarcastically

|| Hey I know a lot when it comes to combat

Then after the short lesson and making fun of Cirun we went to the tempest and waited for our turn.

Just like Cirun said every first-year didn't last more than one minute. Some second-year lasted for about 5 to 10 minutes but since there weren't many second years our turn came quick.

|| Hey you get away I will be entering the room.

The owner of the voice was a student and he seems to be the first year just like. Since I don't want to cause any trouble let's talk first.

|| You are talking to me.

|| You didn't hear me, I said get out of the way I will enter the room.

This guy sure is a bully type being rude for no reason.

|| Mate, if you want to enter then you have to wait for a turn like everyone else.

|| Wait? Do you think that I, the second son of Morris family will wait with these commoners?

Now he has crossed the line, he is trying to use his family name inside Academy, if some teacher heard it he could get in trouble.

|| Hey listen, this is Royal Magic Academy, your status doesn't matter here, we all are equal. And don't you know using your family name in the Academy is prohibited. Now if you understand then either get out or wait like everyone else.

|| You... You dare talk back to me.

He was angry and tried to attack me with his sword as he unsheathed his sword Cirun put his sword in his neck.

|| You are going too far if you don't want something to happen to this noble neck of yours quickly get out of here.
He said while he releases a severe dangerous aura.

|| You... you will regret it

He said as he ran out without looking back.

|| Thanks Cirun you saved me there.

|| Well I trying to save him.

|| Oh you noticed huh.

|| of course it's impossible to ignore this severe killing intend.

Cirun was talking about Michi who was releasing killing intend towards that kid. I signaled so she didn't make a move from the start but if he had drawn out his sword then things wouldn't have ended this easily.

|| But you have to remain careful of that guy, he didn't seem like the type to keep silent after we embarrassed him

I was thinking to spend my days in the Academy peacefully but I got involved in trouble on my first day.


Author's Note:- Thanks to all readers to read this chapter if you liked it then don't forget to vote it and share it with your friends and do tell me your thought on this story in the comment section down below and I will meet you next Sunday with a new chapter.

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