Ch-19 The meeting with the Goddess

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So my name is Alven - Alven Ern Weils, I was reincarnated in this world. In my previous life, my name was Aryan but nobody knows that nobody shouldn't so why the hell is someone calling me Aryan.

I came to the church to receive a skill, I was told that once I start the prayer I should see a skill name and it's functions and nothing else but still when I opened my eyes I found myself in some strange room. it was white, walls, floor, ceiling everything was white. And there was this beautiful lady in front of me. She had long, silky golden hair and sparkling eyes. 

|| What is this place and who are you?
I asked

|| I am the goddess Hikari.

|| Goddess? I wasn't told that I would be meeting the goddess. What's happening?

|| Wow you are very surprised. Well, that's a given since you don't have the memories of our meeting before.

|| Wha- what meeting?

|| Don't worry I'll help you recall everything.

She walked towards me and put her finger on my forehead. I moved my head a little back in fear that she might do something with me, when I had a very bad headache, it was like a lot of information was cramped to my head at once. I was in pain and I went unconscious.

I remembered when I was falling through the abyss of darkness* before my reincarnation I landed in a strange place.

|| Welcome wandering soul, I, Hikari welcomes you to my world.

|| Who are you?
I asked as she came through a door.

|| As I told you my name is Hikari and I am the goddess of this world
She said as she sat down a royal chair placed a little high

|| Goddess? But I don't think there any such God on Earth.

|| Yes there isn't because this is not the earth, this is Cara Bhumi

|| What do you mean this is not earth?

|| Do you remember what happened just before coming here.

|| Yes I do I was hit by a truck and then I... died

|| Yes you died. normally you would enter the cycle of life and death and rebirth in a new body, but I extracted your soul from your world's life and death cycle and called you here.

|| But why?

|| I will explain to you but before that why don't you sit and have some tea

A dining table appeared in front of me big enough for four people. I took a chair and she took the one on the opposite side. Then a tea set appeared out of thin air. She filled two cups of tea. She gave one to me and started taking sips from another. Following her, I also took a sip and it was delicious. I had many cups of tea in my life and this is the best tea I ever had (after my mom's tea).

|| So let's start with introductions. I am goddess Hikari and this is Cara Bhumi. The reason I called you here is that I need your help.

|| What kind of help?

|| This is the world of Sword and magic. And many years ago there was a war between Demon King and the human. At that time, a hero was born and defeated the demon king and his army.

|| So the demon king had come again?

|| No that's not it but there is something else. It's something I don't know about.

|| What do you mean by you don't know. Aren't you God

|| That's what I'm confused about. I know something is wrong but I don't about it and that's why I am afraid.

|| So the reason you called me here?

|| To find what's wrong in this world.

|| But how can I do anything, I am just a normal human being and this world in full of magic and if I am not wrong monsters too.

|| Don't worry about it. You will be reincarnated in this world in a noble family, so that you can easily learn magic and about this world.

|| But will I be able to learn magic anyway.

|| Don't worry about that. I chose your soul for a reason.

|| What do you mean by that.

|| Come with me

She took me to the room on the right side of the current room.


*Abyss of darkness -> reference to Chapter 1

Author's Note:- Thanks to all readers to read this chapter if you liked it then don't forget to vote it and I will meet you next Sunday with a new episode.

A Programmer's Reincarnationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें