Ch-25 Geneios' Gift II

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So, I was finally able to know what the surprise was. A weapon from Ayudham is an amazing gift.

After staring at the shop's board for a long time trying to grasp the reality that I am in front of Ayudham, we finally went in.

|| Welcome, esteem guests. I, Tang Ling, welcome you to the traveling shop of Ayudham.

This shop is not a brach shop or anything, it's a traveling shop. It goes place to place on requests. This time master ordered a traveling shop for me.

|| Thanks for accepting my request and coming here.
Master said

|| There is no problem with that, we go wherever we are ordered to. So are these young master and mistress will be receiving a weapon today.
Mr. Tang said as he looked towards me and Michi

|| Me? Not only master Alven will be getting a weapon from here.
Michi said.

|| No Michi, you will also be receiving a weapon today.
Master said

|| But master I am just a servant-

|| Michi you want to protect Alven?

|| Yes but-

|| So to protect Alven you need a weapon. So now just go and choose a weapon for yourself.

|| Yes Master

After that, Mr. Tang started showing me some weapons.

The first weapon he brought out was a rapier.

|| This is a rapier. It long, sharp and lightweight. The edges are very sharp and the handle is made out of very hard and light metal.

|| I am not very good with rapier so can you please show me some swords.

|| Of course, young master.
He signals one of the workers and he brought some swords.

|| This a short sword. This will be perfect for the young Master. This is short so it is easy to wield, and it is also very light.

|| I don't actually like short swords. Can you show me a long sword?

Up until now, I had only practiced one-handed long sword, which is the Master's style. I trained it because it looks cool and it also let my other empty hand perform magic.

|| Well if that's the case then I will prefer this long sword.

He brought out a long sword, about double the size of the last one.

|| This is a long sword especially made by one of our best blacksmiths. It has two sharp sides. It's round shape lets it cut through any material very smoothly and swiftly.

|| Can I try it out.

|| Sure

I picked it up. He was not lying when he said it was made by one of their best blacksmiths. It was well balanced, the blade was uniformed and the mantle had a material on it that made it very easy to hold.

I try to wield the sword. Even though this is a traveling sword, this shop is very big, and there is plenty of space in case someone wants to try out a sword. Of course, it was not enough to go all out but enough to test the compatibility of the sword.

When I picked up the sword, I noticed that the [Anubhav] for it was about double that for some swords I was practicing with.

I tried to wield the sword. I tried a swing, it felt a bit off.

|| What happens, Al your were a bit off.
Master asked

|| Master this sword feels a bit off.

|| That's impossible, this sword was made by one of our best blacksmiths.

|| No it's not that, it's just very light.

|| Can you show it to me.
Master said and took the sword

|| Yes it is indeed light, about half the weight you are used to.

|| Light? Dear customer this is one of the heaviest swords that we have right now.
Mr. Tang was a bit surprised.

Well, I cannot blame him for that. Master uses a heavy long sword and following him I started training with the heaviest sword we could find.

|| If you want a heavy sword then please wait for a little I will bring the best ones out.
He signals the worker, who went to another room.

I looked around the shop. It was a very spacious shop, everything was perfectly placed, there was a counter with a very beautiful short knife, daggers, and swords unlike any other weapon shop in the city the weapons did not scatter here and there.

I was looking around when I saw a mysterious sword hanging on the wall. When I saw it, I was mesmerized, it was like I was getting pulled towards it. I don't know what happened to me at that time. but I was unconsciously getting pulled towards it


Author's Note:- I want to inform all the readers that from now on the new chapters might not as frequent because of some personal problems.

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