Ch-17 An encounter

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*** I had tried my best to make this chapter as emotional as I could but if you any suggestion please tell me.***

|| Aryan are you okay

Who is that? It's very familiar

|| Aryan you should move on.

I remember now. It was the time my mother and father died in an accident.

I was 18 years old at that time. I was matured enough to understand the situation at that time, but still, I got very depressed at that time and locked myself at home and didn't come out for an entire week. I wasn't eating properly. Then one day an uncle of mine came, I was very close to them and he would come to our house very often to play when I was a kid.

|| Aryan are you even eating properly look how thin you had become.

|| I... ate instant noodles
I said at a very low voice

|| Come one that's not food. Come with me, your aunt had made some delicious food

|| I don't have an appetite

I don't know what he saw at that time but he suddenly knew that if nothing is done right now than I am going to be like that for a very long time.

|| Aryan
He said in a very deep and low voice

|| Do you want to cry?

|| I... am not sad I just want to be left alone

|| I know you are sad, don't keep you emotion hidden

|| I said I am not sad
I said in a very loud voice when suddenly he grabbed me and hugged very tightly

|| Aryan it's okay to cry sometime. When you are sad you should cry.

I felt his warmth, something that I hadn't felt for a long time and I cried and cried and cried


|| Alven wake up

I opened my eyes and looked around trying grab my surroundings. I saw the familiar ceiling, it was my house.

|| Alven are you okay?

Yes Teach

|| You had been sleeping for a whole day, I was wa worried about you.

Then I remembered just when we were coming back home I went unconscious.

I got up and changed my clothes. I then went outside where teach, master and father were discussing something

|| Father what happened?

|| Alven, it's good that you are awake now.
father said

|| Why?

|| Al, do you remember that beast girl we found in the carriage?

|| Yes

|| She is the daughter of two people we found. And ever since she knew about her parent's death she had confined herself in the room and isn't talking to anyone.
Teach said

|| Alven we were thinking that you should go and talk with her

|| Me. But-

|| Alven, she is about the same age as you, maybe after talking with someone of her age she might feel better

|| I understood

Then I went into the room. The room was only slightly dim with the light coming from a small window. First I light the candles in the room. The girl who was in the corner sleeping was awake of this sudden disturbance.

|| Who... who are you?
She said in a very low voice

|| My name is Alven.

|| Why are you here?

|| I'm here to talk with you?

|| I don't want to talk with anyone

I saw her face, it was pale and shrunken. There was a clear expression of fear and sadness on her face. I remembered about the time when

|| Are you sad?

|| I... am not sad. I can't... be sad. Mom and dad... told me to be strong no matter what. I can't be sad.

When I saw her face it was full of sadness, I could easily see how much empty she was, I don't what went through my mind at that time, I just hugged her.

|| It's okay to cry sometime. When you are sad you should cry.

Then she cried and cried and cried.


Author's Note:- Thanks to all readers to read this chapter if you liked it then don't forget to vote it and I will meet you next Sunday with a new episode.

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