Ch- 2 Magic is a Programme

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It's already been four years since I came to this world.

First two years I focused on my movement, speech, and geography of the house. As I start walking I started to sneaking in the library and learning the world's knowledge.

Next two years I spend gathering information about this world

This world is consist of manly four races- Humans, Elves, Beastmen, and Demons.

Many years ago there was a big war between all four races which led to dividing this world into four continents- Protorus, Deftorus, Tritorus, and Tetartorus.

Elves who were not in favor of war choose Protorus, a continent full of greenery. Humans and Beastmen kept fighting when eventually humans won and took the largest continents of all Deftorus, Beastmen took Tritorus.

Demons which remained the common enemy of all three races after a big war was sent to the farthest continent Tetartorus.

Our family is the nobles of a small country called Drachen. Our family consists of five members. My father Raj Ern Weils, my mother Eva Ern Weils, my big brother Alfred Ern Weils, my little sister Sylvia Ern Weils and me Alven Ern Weils.

Big brother is four years older than me and is currently reading in the capital he seemed to be some sort of genius, Sylvia is a newborn she born just a year before.

Other than all this I also learned one more thing- MAGIC EXISTS IN THIS WORLD.

The other day when I tripped and injured my leg mother healed it with magic. The next day I asked mother about it and she said.

|| Magic in this world is used by magic sequences input into spirits or objects.

|| Mother what is a magic sequence?

|| Al, you are still very young, when you grow up a little more you learn everything about magic.

Although mother said this, I was curious about magic because I had worked on many games in my previous life which had magic in one form or other, so I decided to sneak into the library and learning magic by myself.

Next day I sneaked into the library and start reading a book on basic of magic.

Magic is the combinations of multiple magic sequences and commands. There are four types of magic sequences- Spirit, Enhancement, Control, and Customisation.

Spirit magic sequences are used to command spirits of different affinity- Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth. There are also Light, Darkness, Heal and Space-Time but they are not much commons. A command to a spirit is given by chanting the command.

|| Mother used to heal that time that means mother can also command a rare Spirit.

Enhancement magic sequences are used to enhance ability or working of any tool or living being. There are a lot of different types of enhancement magic sequence but physical enhancement is common and many people can use this. A magic sequence is inputted by chants for living beings and through a magic panel for tools.

Control magic sequence when input in any tool, it can do according to the command in magic sequence. It is used to make golems and magic tools. It is inputted using a magic panel present in everything.

Customization magic sequence can be used to customize anything to a certain extent. It can change the physical appearance and components and many more. It is also input using magic panel.

Everyone has an affinity to a certain magic sequence those who have an affinity to a magic sequence, can only use that type of magic only. Those who have an affinity to spirit magic sequence does not necessarily can control every spirit, it also depends on the user.

In the next page, you will see a simple magic sequence to check your affinity of magic sequence.

But when I looked at the next page.

|| Eh! This is not any magic sequence or magic command this is.... this is just PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE.


Author's Note - Hello readers please comment below your opinion on this book I would love it. Also, please vote the book.

Bye and look forward to next Sunday. 

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