Ch-31 Journey to the capital city III

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Today is the last day of our long journey.

After getting out of the Gaya forest we entered another town, Atutt.

As usual, we greeted the local lord, roam a bit in the town and the next day departed from Atutt.

We were traveling for quite a long time. It was only two hours until we reach the capital city, Mulata.

But I have nothing to do, for the time being, I am bored. So let's talk about Royal Magic Academy first.

So despite the name The Royal Magic Academy. It's not a school for magicians, I mean it is for magicians but it not only focuses on magicians but also warriors.

Let's start from basic.

So in Mulata, there are two Academies first one is Royal Magic Academy and the second is Scholar's Academy.

Both mainly focus on magic but Scholar Magic Academy focuses on magic research and is only for nobles. Students of this academy mainly focus on magic research and the way of a noble. Many of the top kingdom top magic researchers are also are from here. Since they are nobles it is also easy for them to be in the royal court.

Big brother, Alfred also studies in Scholar Academy.

On the other hand, Royal Magic Academy focuses on Magic as a weapon in battles, students here learn the magic to be used in battles and then recruited in the army or becomes adventurers. Some students also get selected for the royal court and very few pursue magic researchers.

Now, what are adventurers? Well, adventurers are people who take various kinds of missions like subjugation, escort, material gathering, etc. This is a job that anyone can do as long as they abilities for it. Since this is a highly paid job commoners which are capable of fighting to choose to be adventurers. They, until very high rank or in case of emergency, are not bound by the kingdom so they are sort of free.

Okay then me despite being a noble, going to the Royal Magic Academy, why? Well, this all happened 2 years ago, a month after my coming of age ceremony.


Me with Father, Mother, Teach, and Master in a room.

|| Al have you decided what are you going to do now?
Father asked

|| Yes Father.

|| Then tell me

|| I want to go to Royal Magic Academy.

|| And your reasons behind it?

|| Yes. As everyone has told me that my skills and powers I have are not common, it may not even be in the genius category. But this very power can also harm me, I will get influenced by nobles and used by the different countries, I can be dragged in power conflicts. So that's why I have decided to become an adventurer, after all, a country has almost no influence over any adventurer.

After hearing this father went to deep thought, everyone was silent.

I was ready to be refused or scolded because even though I will be free but being an adventurer is more dangerous than being a soldier, they always risk their lives on a mission, and there is also no compensation in case of death. But my decision was firm.

|| Al... I agree with your choice.

|| But father- Wait you agree!

|| Yes Al, being an adventurer is perfect for you, you will be able to live your life freely.
Mother said as she embraced me.

|| Al I approve of your decision, you will be going to Roayl Magic Academy.
Father said


And that's how it all went. I was surprised how easily Father and Mother were convinced but I think they had already thought about it and just wanted to hear it from me.

|| Al, see, the Capital city is visible now.
Father said.

I looked out from the window, I was a wall very high and I went as far as we can see. We have finally reached the magic capital.


Author's Note:- Thanks to all readers to read this chapter if you liked it then don't forget to vote it and share it with your friends and do tell me your thought on this story in the comment section down below and I will meet you next Sunday with a new episode.

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