Chapter 10

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I do not own Naruto. Enjoy! :)


Kumo's POV.

When I was sure I was pretty far away from my team, I let out a loud 'howl' shaking the trees in response. A few minutes later, Sayomi was infront of me.

"That was a pretty powerful 'howl' you got there." Sayomi complimented me in which I smirked in response. "So what do you need me for?" I grinned at his question. "MY SIDEKICK!" He sweatdropped.

"I want to go to the Cave of Dragon's to retrieve the strongest metal known in existence." Sayomi looked at me with a confused face. "But isn't that just a rumour? Don't tell me you actually believe that!"

I smirked at him. "We won't know till we try." He sighed and rubbed his neck. "Whatever floats your boat. I know the place. Let's start heading out." I smiled at him. I knew he will give in to me. I'm too kawaii for anybody to say 'no' to.

After a few hours of constant running, we finally reached our destination. The place itself wasn't what I imagined it to be. I thought it would have lots and lots of rocky mountains, turns out that there is only a hill with a small cave at the top. 

"Are you fucking kidding me? I thought there will be a big ass rocky mountain with dragons flying around." Sayomi chuckled at my comment. Just when we were about to climb up the steep hill, we heard a scream that was coming from the cave.

"We better save that sorry ass ASAP" He nodded quickly and thus we ran up the steep rocky hill with the help of chakra. 'Thank god Kasashi-sensei gave us the tree climbing exercise.' I thought to myself. 

We arrived to see a group of ninja's trying to harm a kid who has blonde hair and blue eyes and seems pretty tall but looked the same age as us. I got to the boy's side. "Sayomi, give him first aid. I'll deal with the group." I turned to face the group of ninja's.

"Don't you feel ashamed to be ganging up on a kid and trying to kill him?" I asked them calmly. "He has a huge bounty on his head and once we kill him, we'll be the richest man on earth!" When I heard that comment, I became super pissed. This is the second time I'm hearing somebody who does things for money. First, Gato. Now, them. 

"Money, money, money. That's what you all care about. How about you go to hell and I'll burn you lots of hell notes?" I smiled at them devilishly. I then took out my knives, which were in bad condition by the way, and aimed it at the group. "Bye bye, see you in hell my friends." As I finished my sentence, I threw the knives which were cloaked with chakra.

As usual, it hit dead center at the enemy's heart. I sighed and turned to look at the guy. "You! What is your name? What are you even doing here in the first place." 

"Name's Ryu which literally means dragon and I am the keeper of the dragons." I looked at Sayomi to see that his stifling his laughter and so was I. We made eye contact and soon we burst into fits of laughter. "HAHAHAHAHA. KEEPER MY ASS. Okay, okay, so where's the dragon?" I calmed down while looking at him.

"I am the the dragon." Sayomi and I started laughing once again. Once I calmed down I said, "No seriously, where is the dragon?" Ryu then facepalmed at me. "I told you didn't I? I am the dragon."

"Err..Kumo? I don't think he's kidding. Look at him." Sayomi said. I then turned to look at Ryu. My eyes went wide and my jaws dropped. In front of me stood a huge ass golden dragon breathing out fire from its mouth. On instinct, I began to scream. "THERE'S A FUCKING DRAGON IN MY FACE HOLY SHUCKS. SAYOMI! HELP!" I shouted in fear. Soon me and Sayomi started hugging each other in fear that we will get eaten.

"HAHAHAHAHA! YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACES. THEY WERE PRICELESS." Ryu then went back from his dragon form to his human form. He really wasn't kidding when he said he was a dragon. We sighed in relief and relaxed. "So what are you two doing here?" Ryu then asked me.

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