Not Quite A Fairytale ch 11

Start from the beginning

Jared just shook his head.

Kyle panicked as he searched that puny, peanut-sized brain of his for an answer. "D...don't you walk away from me!" and he took a swung at Jared.

Jared some how predicted this and dodged the failed punch and managed to punch Kyle's face instead.

Ashley laughed as Kyle fell to the floor, his bloody tooth rolling on the floor. If I'm honest, I laughed too.

" guys are gonna pay for that, Jared!"

I gave Jared a look making sure he doesn't beat Kyle to a bloody pulp. He went off with Taylor and Ashley and Kaycee soon followed.

I walked over to Kyle who was actually crying on the floor. Well, maybe he wasn't crying but I definitely saw some tears.

"I think you should just give up, dude."

"Yeah, right! Ryan will come for you! You and Jared! And that black bitch, Taylor!"

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Just shut up, you racist bastard."

I left him there and looked back to see Taylor outside the gate, still watching. She must've heard the whole thing.

Taylor's POV

"Kyle's not going to do anything, you do know that, right?" Jared said.

I wanted to believe that but after what happened to Jared, it seemed like a possibility.

"Yeah I know, but, you heard what he said. I mean, he's not going to do anything but that doesn't mean Ryan can't-"

"Ryan's not going to do anything either."

"But he put you in h-"

"Nothing's going to happen! Ryan's just...he's all talk, y'know?"

"I guess so." I still wasn't convinced.

"Good," he studied my face. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I looked back at him, his eyes were big, bright and electric blue.

He leaned in closer and I swore I must have zoned out because all I could see was him, me and all I could hear was the sound of my heart beating at an unnatural rate...

"Taylor, there's a call f-" All of a sudden, Tarynn burst into my bedroom. Jared and I both turned away quickly, slightly embarrassed.

Tarynn paused. "Oh, sorry. Was I interrupting something?"

"Um..that's okay, I better go." Jared stood up and I went with him downstairs to the front door.

"I'll see you later?" he asked.

I nodded and he kissed me on the cheek. I closed the door and spun around facing my sister.

"Boy, you picked the perfect time to just burst into my room, Tarynn. Haven't you heard of knocking?"

"Whatever, Taylor. You guys shouldn't even be up there by yourselves."

I gave her a skeptical look. "Why? What do you think we would do?"

"You know what I'm talking about. How do you know the kind of guy he is."

"Well, he's certainly not the type of guy you think he is. Who was on the phone anyway?"

"Mom and Dad."

I stopped. I suddenly realized that they didn't know about Jared. And knowing my father, I wouldn't want him to.

"What did they want?"

"I think you should talk to them yourself." she handed me the phone. Reluctantly, I took it.

"Hello? Mom?"

"Hi! How have you been? Your sister's been telling me all the details!"

I was suddenly alarmed. "What has she been telling you?" I silently cursed myself for the tone in my voice. She would obviously know that something was up.

"Just about school and stuff," she spoke quietly. "What else has been going on?"

"Um...nothing, mom! Nothing, at all."

"Oh give it up, Taylor. Tarynn told me everything."

I looked at Tarynn. I was about to verbally attack her but she raised her apologetically raised her hand up and walked away.

"She shouldn't have told you-"

"You're right. You should've."

"I'm so sorry, Mom, but-"

"Don't apologize. At least we know now."

"We?" Crap. My dad knew as well.

"Yes, we. Your father already knows. So, this Jared guy. How long have you two been-"

"Not that long, mom."

"Okay, well we're coming to visit in about...tomorrow."


"Is that a problem?"

"No, it's not."

"Okay. We'll see you soon!"

She hung up. What would my mom say about me and Jared? Or worse, what would my dad say?

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