xviii. Ralph Macchio;

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Elizabeth= Ali in karate kid

Your were also in 'Nightmare on elms street' in this imagine.

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"What was it like filming the karate kid?" The interviewer asks Ralph.

"Amazing, me and the other cast members would always pull pranks on each other" he laughs.

"Oh that sound amazing. Ok Ralph I'm going to ask you some questions that the fans want to know"

Ralph nods and waits for the questions.

"Someone said are you and Elizabeth more then just friends? Ohh this is a juicy one"

"Uh no we are not we're just friends" Ralph chuckles.

"Are you sure?" The interviewer asks and Ralph nods.

"Ok someone else said was it hard to film the kissing scene?"

"Um yeah it was actually" he answers and scratch the back of his head. "I had a special someone watching me while I was kissing her"

"Oh yeah. Who was this special someone?"

"Oh uhh" Ralph awkwardly looks away at his lap.

"It's fine, but if there's a question about the special someone you have to answer it"

"Ok ok"

"What was your favorite scene to film?"

"Definitely the scene where I get beat up and mr.Miyagi saves me"

The interviewer laughs.

"Ok two more questions. Are you single? And the last questions from me, What is his or she's name?"

Ralph laughs and shakes his head.

"Your desperate to know ain't ya. Ok well no I am not single and her names y/n y/l/n. Shes Amazing, stunning all the things I can't explain. She's wonderful"

"No way as in the y/n y/l/n that was in nightmare on elms street?"

"Uh Yeah that's her" he chuckles.

"Wow. I knew she had a boyfriend but I didn't know it was you. When did you guys start dating?"

"Right before she started filming nightmare on elms street actually"

"What's it like dating her because I know she's quite younger than you"

"Yeah, it's kinda hard because we have people judging us since I'm twenty two and she's eighteen but we just decide to ignore them because we love each other"

"Wow, I'm so shocked that I didn't know you guys were dating and practically the whole world knew" she laughs.

"Eh, it's alright" Ralph shrugs.

"Well thank you for joining us today Ralph we hope to see you another time but our time here has run out. It was real nice to meet you Ralph" she puts her hand out and shakes his hand.

"Thank you for having me"

"We hope to have y/n next and we can ask her questions about you guys" she laughs and so does Ralph.

"Bye Ralph"

AESTHETE | 80s ; 90s ✓Where stories live. Discover now