22. With Love, A

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It's been over 3 months since all of these ended. A month since I've seen them people. A couple of days after the conference, Mia, Tyler, Howard and Isaac flew to their colleges, at different destinations. I've been diagnosed by yet another disease due to the extreme sunlight I've been exposed to for the last few months.. I'm not joking shit's real, you may google. I've been in touch with Tyler, you know in a very friendly type of way. The first few weeks weren't really easy on me, my siblings had a tough night dealing with my sorrow all day and night; not that I've been in a relationship or whatever actually, but this, actually hurt. One sided is actually bullshit. It kills you. And I know this is just a minor crush and it will be over soon, hopefully. I wish I could say Tyler a few things, but I guess I'll always keep it to myself.

   Dear  Tyler,
I never wanted to be in this type of situation after a shitty relationship I've been in, you know after all those cheating and  toxicity, I didn't even want to look at another boy like that. But you, you've killed me entirely. I know it was a complete joke to you, you didn't mean anything and ofcourse you love Ava but I would like to thank you. No, not for this pain, but for making me feel like a teenager again. For giving me this feeling after that horrible Matthew. I smiled for a boy, did stuff to make him happy.. Thanks to Aly that he mentioned your name all day which made me think about you even more. I know you care about me way more than I realize and you do too.. and I would never want to end what's between us, this sweetness. And you were right, dating ruins friendship. And I can never do that to us. We are on good terms after like an entire school life, you respect me, consider me as a friend although you aren't that comfortable sharing your thoughts with me. It's okay, I understand. I mean it isn't easy to be normal around someone who caught feelings for you..  I'll settle being your friend. It's okay. I can never ruin what we have and I love that feeling. I haven't taken off your bracelet ever since and I won't. This reminds me of the best time I had with you all. You guys healed me, from my depression and my sickness. I can't wait to see you when you get back. Sometimes I always wished we never met as you used to get so rude with me and my friends , but I'm glad we met..  I know you're a way better person than you portray yourself to be. I believe I got to know you more than your friends know.And you will never know because I'm never saying this to you and will be waiting on the universe for a miracle to let you know . Love xx

Well he's never going to know this, and I'm not even ready for a relationship. My friends he got a thing for me but you know, he's committed. Recently, he's been texting me a lot. You know all these random snaps, that no one responds, but he is. He was never like this you know doing unnecessary stuff. Also, Avery and Tyler broke up last month(Aly's bestie did some digging 😉)

OMG thank you so much guys for reading it till here. I've never written a book and I don't think I ever will. Tyler and Avery are really close to my heart and more than just a character. Please do let me know how you liked it.
Love xx

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