21. Love A, What if.. we never met.

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"Hey Avery, I'm so proud of you. The way you've been through everything and standing strong here, they way you grew throughout the entire conference and handled it with expertise. You were amazing." Zayn says.
I just hug him and say goodbye, I wasn't in the condition to say anything so that was it.
"Good Bye Everyone! It was an honour hosting you guys!" I tell loudly with a very heavy heart to all the delegates and walk towards the gate. We need to get home. Oh god I'm so tired, my feet are sore, I can't wait to take a hot shower and was off all the fatigue ness from the past 3 days.
Everyone is giving each other goodby hugs but turns out the cycle is endless. One hug after another, that too with the same person twice, thrice and we are actually liking it. But it's high time that we move on. Even though I'm still crying looking at them but I've to be the responsible one.
"Hey, hey you guys please walk out of the gate. Other wise it's going to be impossible to leave. Please?" I say, wiping of the tears on my cheek.
All of us walk out of the gate waiting for our cars and that's when Howard says, "hey guys do you want to grab dinner?"
Tyler gives us girls a ride to the cafe since he's the only one with car while the other boys decide to walk. My bitches made me sit in the front seat just to keep reminding me how Tyler and I are never happening.
"Aww you guys, don't you like like a couple on a ride?" Mia says.
None of reply, well I'm too depressed to say anything and Tyler just smiles.
There you go. You're keeping on making stuff harder yet we decided to go eat together at a cafe nearby. The entire time we've been here, I haven't spoken a word rather stayed quiet with teary eyes. To worse it off, they asked the waiters to play our jam 'Memories' that made me sad all over again. All of them tried to cheer me up but vain. Why wouldn't I be? They will all be moving on with their new life in college or other stuff, whereas I'll have to travel between hospitals to maintain my existence, while they will be dunking on shots, I'll be taking these medicines that fuck with my emotions and body. And I can't forget the fact that this is the last time we are together, and shit will never remain the same as the boys are from a different friend group and their girlfriends don't like them hanging out with us apart from them. Yeah there's too much drama going on yet.
I've somehow managed to gulp an entire bowl of cream of mushroom soup, god that was too much liquid and I'm so full right now I might throw up. Mia on the other hand, decided to eat an entire dish of Prawn Linguine pasta, all by herself and considering she's so petite, she's already full and no one is willing to eat the left overs. I mean after long three consecutive days of an intense conference and getting less food, we thought we might just swallow everything we're getting. Since this is Tyler's treat, (yeah very shocking, Tyler who always takes other's stuff is the one who offered to pay for the night!) he is forcing everyone to finish their food and Mia has literally begging him for the past 5 mins to spare him from this task.
"Okay give Avery, she likes Prawn linguine" Tyler says passing the bowl to me.
I look at him. How does he remember this? I mean I can't remember when I told him I liked it as in it has been a very long time and he can't even remember shit from the night before, he has that bad memory and he remembers this?
Oh c'mon Avery it might just be a coincidence, no need to overthink.
"No thank you. Well if you want me to throw up on you then I might finish it" I say passing the bowl back to him.
"Okay just give me already!" Howard groans. He might be the one throwing up.
In between, my brother and his friends, other kids from other class have arrived here from school. This cafe is literally a junk yard for liberty high students. Their food is good, the place is nice and everyone from school chills here. A mini reunion again.
It's been a while and time to leave. Oh my heart. How much does it hurt to say good bye. I hug Howard and Tyler as I won't be meeting with them before they leave. Marina is sleeping over and Arya and Mia are here. While they are all still saying goodbye, I wipe my tears and walk over to the gate with my bags and Tyler comes over and hugs saying "take care."
I held him tight and he tries to push me away. Once. Twice. That's it. No wonder he pushed me away when he saw the kids in back stage earlier. There's people around that's why he is pushing me away. The only time you remember about Avery is when there's people around, and I mean nothing to you. This is the truth I needed to see. I have no right to hold him any longer. It's a goodbye. For good.
I lie on my bed by soaking my feet in hot water. That feels good. Aly and his best friend walks into my room.
"Dude what was that?" They ask.
"Everyone saw. You got feelings for him?"
"It was just a hug"
"You literally held him by force"
"I can't believe I made a mockery out of myself because of him."
"Hey hey girl, it's totally cool just don't give a fuck" Marina says.
A while later Mia texts.
"A passionate hug was it" my eyes are wide open. Did I just confirm to everyone that I have feelings for him? God I feel so dumb ugh.
"Avery Tyler will be texting you in a while" Marina says while tapping her phone.
"He just wants to know about every shit Matthew talked to you about him."
"God why would you even tell him that ugh it's been so long and he's leaving tomorrow."
"Yeah he just wants to be on good terms."
"Oh well if we weren't, I wouldn't have confirmed it today in front of everyone!"
"Let it go already" she laughs.

"Hey Avery."
"Hey Tyler."
"What did Matthew tell about me?"
"Just let me be Tyler. It's been so long since that happened. I love you just let it be?"
"Just tell it"
"Never mind it was just something about you bitching about me calling me a slut whatever I don't care about that we're good."
"Lol. Rest assured, none of these happened."
"I know Tyler I trust you. He's just a fucker and he did that just so I don't talk to any boys except him. We are good aren't we?"
"Yes. I'm sleepy now goodnight, I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Yeah it's an early flight. Take care. I'll miss you."
"Avery, dating ruins friendships."
"What? Why would you say that?"
"Nothing never mind, I'm not in my right mind, let it be. Good night"

What wast that? Why would he say that? I showed Marina the text.
"Dude. He's fucked up. He got some shit for you but he can't actually do anything about it. He left his fucking bracelet with you in the hope that you'll remember him but will he remember you?" Marina shouts.
"How do you know about the bracelet?"
"Lol I've seen you take it out of the pocket and stare at it a couple of times tonight. Honey he isn't willing to take any risk for you, don't waste yourself on him. He made you fall for him while having a girlfriend, how can you be so sure about yourself. But you know better."
She isn't wrong.
It's 1 am and Marina is not letting me sleep as her screen light lit up the entire room.
"Who the hell are you talking to right now?"
"He said he was going to sleep two hours back. That bitch. He didn't even talk to me."
"Honey he was just saying that maybe he made a mistake by dragging the joke so much. You were just a part of that Avery. Leave him. He is not for good girls like you. He just needs a trophy. He's a good guy, but he respects you as a friend. We're sure he got a thing for you but he isn't willing to take a risk."
"Yeah I know"
Damn. That shit hurt. But it's the truth.
Why did we meet again? Why am I the one hurt? What if.. we never met?

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