Love A, Take 1

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Taking a year gap from university was neither an easy nor a selfish decision, I will be facing with society's innumerous questions and gossips I knew that pretty well, but this was my rheumatologist's statement, "It is high time that you take a break and heal yourself, you can come back again next year."

And with that sentence I decided to fly back home. I will be telling my sad traumatizing health story some time later on and now let's move to the story.

It's been two days since I came back. I slept at 4 am and my eyes are wide open right now, well it's 7 am and I mean what about being jet lagged? Tossing and turning all over the bed was no use so I decided to take a hot shower. The warm water healed my weary eyes and I got dressed to visit my friends who have been doing an internship.

As high school graduates, Liberty High School provides with an opportunity to join as alumni to handle all the upcoming school events. Well that's pretty much it.

As I stepped inside the school, all the pretty worst memories from high school rebounded. High school didn't really play on my favour and I was really happy on the day of graduation. Anyway, I squint my eyes to see my best friend, Arya smiling and running towards me. We hugged it out. I mean we met after a couple of months and my dreadful incident made me look worse ad those who know always give sympathy hug. Oh yes! I almost forgot to let you guys know that I look like a baby bear now. The swollen face, hands, belly with blood clots on my face- I lost count how many people asked why I look like this now. Well it's a steroid side effect and I'll let you know more about it,I promise.

"You look so cute", laughs Arya pulling my cheeks. I smiled at her and we walked towards the alumni room. She knows what's wrong with me I don't mind at all her saying these, but I know who will be ready to hurt my sentiments.

I know you must be waiting for him, well here's his entry to my story.

"Arya I don't want to join here, even if no one will make fun of my condition-"

The door burst open.

There you go. Could not even finish the sentence.

"OMG YOU LOOK LIKE AN EGG WHEN DID YOU GET BACK HI" like okay dude relax take a break, you met your friend after 3 months, you know about her hospital trips and a near death experience, breathe it out and maybe say a proper hi to her? Well no, that's impossible for him.

I gave him a blank stare and looked Arya hopelessly. This is Tyler Sands, the worst guy I ever met, the one who never knew how to behave politely, screamed at me for no reason my entire school life and yes, he hated me and the last ever person I would want to deal with. The day I was hospitalized my dms flooded with everyone's sympathy yet concerned texts but all he could type was, "Hey are you alive?" I mean was that a time? With legit 1% blood remaining inside my body I get this text and I reply "yes, thanks for asking". To me, hate is a strong word but I never got to know the reason behind him behaving this way.

What if we never met? Everything would have been less annoying for sure.

"Hey could you just mind your own business? If you can't be nice all the time atleast try not to hurt someone's sentiment dude!" Arya barked at him. Tyler walked away with his usual "I don't give a fuck" attitude. Yes this is him.

"What happened Arya, why so frustrated?" I said at a low voice.

"He's just too difficult to work with, no wonder why you always complained about him" Arya sighs.

Arya's frowned face lit up into a bright smile.

I knew she was planning something evil.

"Arya before you say something I-" she cut me off as usual

"WAIT. Please join school. Lead the seminar. You've got the experience and only you can deal with him"

I opened my mouth to speak but she put her palm on my lips.

"Uh Uh listen before you speak. No one will make fun of your condition, just ignore Tyler. Please make this job bearable and also you're the best fit to lead the seminar PLEASE" she hugged me.

"But Arya, I was never friends with the other alumni apart from you, Mia and Marina. Will they understand my condition? Will I be happy or become more frustrated than I am now?"

"AAAHH Avery you'll be fine. Everyone's easy to deal with except Tyler, of course. And sitting at home will make you worry about your health more and you'll get depressed. Don't go for your looks ; you are still beautiful and you'll get better soon. It will be fun. Hopefully? We will have fun! PLEASE??"

I nodded, smirking. This girl suely knows how to pacify me.

We went to admin's office to get the appointment letter. I opened it, ready for another new challenge. Dealing with Tyler, moving on from my dreadful past, leading the main seminar- I got a lot to handle.

If we never met?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن