7. Love A, The Parade

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The drive to Liberty High was quiet as usual. We never talk much except the exceptions. Tyler parked the car while I was checking myself in the rear mirror.
"You look good Ms Ross, let's go you're late."
"Oh really? Am I late Mr Rachel?"
We smile at each other and get off the car.
"Oh my look at the new sensation," says Mia.
I roll my eyes at her.
"Oh c'mon you need to be in your character at all times. Hold him Avery, don't be a spoilt sport."
I don't mind holding his hands, I enjoy his company but I'm afraid that he'll realize about my feelings sooner than he should.
We were enjoying the parade, there's music, it's colourful only except the fact that they were making Tyler and I take pictures together excluding us from all the group photos.
"That's not fair, you guys made us dress like this and now you are excluding us from the photos?"
"HEY YOU GUYS" someone screamed from the back.
We all turn back to see it Faith, our batch mate who didn't join Liberty as she'll be leaving for college next month. Faith runs towards us for a group hug. We exchange smiles with each other.
"So how are you guys doing huh? Ooh Ross and Rachel? I've been seeing these Instagram flirting Tyler, Are you forgetting my sister already?" Faith laughs.
Yes I *almost* forgot to let you guys know that Tyler is dating Ava who is Faith's first cousin. Typical right?
"HAhA very funny Faith, Avery's my wife but Ava's my girlfriend," Tyler winks at Faith.
Sure! I've been dragged into some stupid joke of yours which has no importance in your life but is killing me inside.
"Ignore him Faith, tell us what brings you here?" Marina says.
"Oh right important shit. I've come here to give you my sisters wedding card. Make sure to come and don't show me your faces if any of you miss the wedding programs! Cocktail's on 28th Dec, Wedding on 30th and a New Year's party on 31st night! Don't miss it you fuckers!"
A rich people wedding. It might be fun. Avery why do you keep on forgetting that Tyler and Ava will be together? Fun less, more heartaches.
All I can feel is the intense pain into my bones. A bone-marrow surgery is the worst thing ever. With every injection going into the bone, the pain gets equivalent to all the bones cracking till the knee. It's a shivering pain and I can't even explain it. I can hear myself screaming of pain and see the blue curtains in the hospital room.
I open my eyes to realize it was just a dream and now I'm having a panic attack because it's an incident that actually happened and traumatized me forever. I'm sweating unconditionally, I run to Ray's room.
"Panic attack again?" she asked. She's one person who understands everything without having me to say a word.
I bury my head in her chest as we both lie down on her bed.
"It's okay, it's a phase that's over baby, you've got to move on." She says planting a kiss on my head.
I get up, sit folding my knees and start crying.
"No Ray I can't forget these. This is one incident that caused me so much pain. I was suspected for leukaemia, they did a bone-marrow, I was put in a situation where I thought I would never make it again. I had to give up my dreams to become a doctor and come back from London. Do you know how hard it was to take such decisions? I'll be sick forever, no more sunlight interaction I mean what has my life come to? Life time medications, routine blood tests, why is it causing me so much pain? My dream..." I burst into tears.
"Hey everything happens for a reason don't be so broken over this. You got your life back that's what matters the most. See you never even imagined that you would have such a good time back here.."
"I know this isn't bad at all, Howard, Isaac, Mia, Marina and Arya are the best thing that is happening to me right now. And yes Tyler. I never thought I would fall for a guy after a previous horrible relationship with Mathew, but Tyler is taking me to my early teens again. They are making this gap year tolerable. And with that I remember, Faith's elder sister, Sarah is getting married."
"I know Avery, Sarah's my friend." Ray groans.
I smile at her.
"Oh yes I forgot, see how worse I'm getting because of all the stress. But it's a good thing that my face is getting it's old form back and I look better. The red blood clots have finally started to erase."
"You were always beautiful honey." I smile at her.
"Ray, Ava-Tyler's girlfriend is Faith and Sarah's first cousin. How am I going to deal with them in this situation? It's going to be so tough"
"Oh you stupid, this is the time. Look your best, dress up and look confident to the ceremonies."
"Oh you wish, have you seen Ava? She's a trophy."
"Stop comparing yourself with her. Who knows you might get someone better than Tyler at the wedding." She winks.

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