You're Famous

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You post covers to YouTube like Charlie did before. You have many fans and you are quite famous. You made Charlie do a challenge with you once but it didn't last very long since the boys started singing and shouting in the background.


You come in a British TV show and are quite famous. You were at the Mockingjay premiere and someone was interviewing you, "I'm glad I'm here its such a great story and I get to see my boyfriend so that's always great!" You took pictures with him and the band. People thought you were the cutest couple there.


You are the lead singer for a band. You were only famous in your city but your fandom was quickly spreading. You mostly performed pop rock and James loved it. You were invited to play at a party in Hollywood. After that you got very famous very quickly. James was proud to have a hot rock star girlfriend.


You are a fashion designer and most of the clothes on the X Factor are your brand. You are quite young for someone so successful but everyone in the fashion industry respects you. Tom loves your style and always gets your advice on his clothing. You of course know very famous people but it didn't stop you from loving Tom.


You're a well known model. You model for Victorias Secret. Casey don't mind at all unless someone, a guy, took interest in you out in public. He did get jealous buy learned to control it at the end of the day.


You are a musician. You play drums in a band. You are the most famous female drummer.   Although it isn't very common. Barclay was very proud to be with you and he cane to almost all your gigs. He even had a band shirt which you tried to stop him from wearing


You're a dancer on the X Factor. During one of the performances you were dancing with Chris and started to talk. Then you both started dating and everything was perfect after that. When he left the show you convinced Brian to get you a job so you could be closer to Chris. 


You are a youtuber and you did loads of challenges, gaming, collabs, and projects. You had loads of fans across the globe and Jake met you through this because you bonded over Pokemon. Your fans supported yo uand shipped you guys together. You did a video together and they only loved you together more. There are infinite gif of "Jake looking longingly into y/ns eyes"

A/N sorry if this is really bad and has awful grammar. I'm in rush and tommorow is gonna be busy so sorry. Also I'm gonna be on the road for a few days so I apologize for no updates or crappy updates
I love you guys and stay beautiful x.

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