You Meet At School

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A/N @ autumnalcharlie suggested this on twitter so thanks bae and yeah enjoy


You were in class when someone tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around to see Charlie Jones, a very cute boy in your year, he spoke in his lovely voice, "Y/n, can I borrow a pencil?" You nodded and quickly got on he replied, "thanks but you'll only get it back if you give me your number." You blushed because you had always wished for this to happen.


You were talking to your best friend when someone shoved you, causing you to drop your books. "Oye!" You yelled as the person apologized. It was Reece bibby the adorable guy that you fancied. You blushed as he picked up your books, "it's ok." He grinned and blushed as well. Afterwards your friend wouldn't stop gushing over how cute you two would be.


It was your first day at your new school and like usual you had gotten lost. You stumbled into what you thought was your math class but wasn't. It was a music room and the person inside didn't realize you were there. The guy sang with a beautiful, strong voice and you couldn't leave. As clumsy as you were you tripped over a drum kit and caused a ruckus.

The guys stopped singing and saw you.

Gathering yourself you said, "oh sorry I got lost and your voice-wow. I didn't want to leave." He blushed and grinned looking down. You saw his face and were pleasantly surprised he was very attractive.  "Uh thank you and I'll help you get around, since I'm assuming its your first day?" You nodded and he started chatting about music.


You hated Tom when you first met him. He had been the douche bag every girl wanted but every smart girl avoided. He would tease you in class for being a nerd and you would just ignore him. The day came when you're braces came off, your glasses were replaced, and your hair was not so deadly. Guys started to notice more than how smart you were and Tom only became more rude. After a long time he confessed he had only been mean to you so he wouldn't have to face your rejection.


Casey was the player of the school even at that age. He had every girl wrapped around his finger, except you. You were immune to his efforts. One day you had come to watch your brothers football game and Casey played as well. As you cheered in the stands the ball came flying towards you. Before further humiliation you caught it and everyone cheered. Casey rushed over to your side of the field and yelled, "love, pass the ball back!" After the game he came up behind you and whispered in your ear, "good catch." You couldn't ignore the shiver it sent down your spine.


You were going through school like any other day, getting bullied, crying in the bathroom, and getting good grades. That day was different, Barclay stood up for you. You were being chewed out by the fake girls and he walked up seeing what was happenning and yelled, "leave her alone!" The blonde bimbo, and ring leader, stepped forward and put a hand on his chest, "Barclay it's fine, it's not like anyone cares about it" Barclay threw her hand off and walked over to you and pulled you up saying to the blonde, "I care about her, hell of a lot more than I do about you right now." With that you both walked off and he cared about you more and more every day after.


Chris had met you in day school. You were the cute little girl that he shared crayons with. Chris always had wanted to know you more than as a friend but you didn't. Until year 7 he didn't ask you out, and when he did, you said yes. Chris dated you ever since then and you quickly fell in love.


He met you in detention. He had been throwing stuff in class and you had talked back to the teacher on several occasions. He passed a note to you while the teacher wasn't looking that read, "hey gorgeous wanna get something after we get out of thus prison?"  You turned around and have him a sly grin and nodded. It was the start to a beautiful relationship.

A/N chapter 69 heheh okay night guys I love you make sure to follow me on twitter, comment, like, subscribe, you know what to do (^ω^)

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