You're Curvy

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You weren't the skinniest or prettiest girl in your year so when Charlie asked you to be his girlfriend you were surprised. When you complained about youf appearance he would always disagree saying you were more beautiful than any other girl he had met.


Compared to Reece you were very curvy. Reece loved it though. He would want to snuggle with you and hug you all the time, which made you feel cute.


You tried on some clothes to get ready for your date with James. "Ugh I'm too fat all these clothes look terrible on me!" You stormed out of your bathroom. James went over to you and grabbed your hands, "y/n don't every say that, baby you're are so perfect just the way you are. Nothing could make me love you less." He pulled you into his arms and you felt better. You ended up wearing one of his shirts because he always made you feel cute in his clothes.


You looked at the pictures of you and Tom. The comments were awful most were like, "she's so fat why is Tom even with her?" You got up and walked to the mirror staring at your body. You kept telling yourself you were fat just as Tom walked in. "Y/n what the hell are you doing?"

"Tom I'm too fat for you, you deserve someone skinny someone you can carry around and take cute pictures with!" You were hysterical and he just pulled you to him as you sobbed.

"I don't want someone without your curves, or your smile, or your laugh, I don't want someone that isn't you. I love you y/n and I don't care what you look like I always will love you"


You had a really big chest and butt and as young girl you got teased for it. You had developed before anyone and there were stretch marks on your hips. Casey loved that though he thought they made you more beautiful. One day you asked him, "Casey how can you love me when I'm so fat?"

His jaw clenched, "Y/n don't call yourself that! You are so beautiful and I don't care that you're not a size -97, I love your curves. You are so sexy and kind and perfect and you're the only woman I will ever love"


You were making cupcakes with Barclay. You stirred the batter and he was pressed into your back with his arms around you. Barclay took some of the batter out of the bowl and ate it. "Want some?" You shook your head.

Once the cupcakes were made you didn't touch them and Barclay noticed this time. "Okay what's up first the batter, now the cupcakes?"

"I'm already fat enough Barclay" you said turning away. "You're not fat at all."

"Okay Barclay okay,"  you said sarcastically. "Ok let me prove it you," he hauled you over his shoulder. "This is just proving you're strong!"

"Nope its proving you're not fat and that I love you no matter what" he set you down and kissed your nose. You giggled as he fed you some of his cupcake.


You went shopping with Chris and the guys and it was really embarrassing shopping for bras because your size was very big. Most girls found pride in that but your chest was too big for your liking. It looked weird compared to the rest of your body. Chris waited outside the dressing room and you came back with large sizes. "Holy shit y/n!"

"Yeah okay don't rub it in," you grumbled.

"No its fantastic I can brag about how big your you-knows are!" He ran off to tell the boys and you chuckled at his excitement. A few minutes later he came back saying, "apparently they already guessed that, and here I was caring about your personality. I love you y/n, God you're sexy." You blushed.


You were short and curvy and hated it. You had tried to lose weight and when you stepped on the scale you groaned in frustration. "What's wrong?" Jake said. "I'll never lose weight I'll always be too fat!"

"You don't need to lose weight you're already perfect to me, I love all of you y/n, body, and soul." He pulled you to him and you felt better knowing that Jake would always love you.

A/N curvy girls unite! I love you guys and I don't really have much to say but um wish me luck for my midterms?!?!? X.

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