Love bites

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You nasty Charlie is a meer fetus he doesn't do this


He's a delicate flower he doesn't do this


You were at your library and you noticed girls looking at you and whispering. They finally came up to, "Y/n, did James get to excited last night?" they point to the love bite on your neck as you blush and just laugh it off.


Tom was in an interview and the interviewer asked him, "Your girlfriend really loves you eh, your neck looks pretty bad" Tom blushed and silently cursed as you watched the interview.


Casey was changing backstage and Jake yelled, "Oye Casey your back looks pretty bad" Casey forgot about your proactive night. "Uh yeah,y/n" The guys just laughed at his reaction.


The boys were on stage singing and after their performance Simon said, "Barclay your girlfriend must really miss you" He winks and looks directly on the love bite on Barclay's neck. He blushes and just responds with a mumbled yeah. You squirm at home while thinking, Simon Cowell knows we frickle frackle. Later that day #SimonKnowsBarclay  was trending on twitter.


Chris had a hard time concentrating during rehearsal and the boys would often have to snap him out of his thoughts.  He was thinking about you and how beautiful you were. Finally Brian said, "Alright Chris what's up?" Chris didn't say anything and just blushed. "He's got sex on the brain" Casey said as the boys erupted with laughter. Chris didn't deny it.


You hadn't seen Jake in a while so things got heated when you did. You couldn't focus all day and you ached. When you went outside to get food a few girls noticed you. You were quite soar and walking became hard. "What's wrong Y/n, Jake work you too hard?" One of the fans said and you responded with a quiet "maybe"

A/N I'm sorry if this was dirty and 2/8 couldn't participate but yeah I love you and vote stereo kicks

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