You're Depressed

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You couldn't live anymore and Charlie being your best friend had noticed. You smiled but it didn't meet your eyes. "Y/n talk to me" Charlie said once when you gave just nodded when he asked if you were okay. "I don't want to live anymore. My parents have shown me love doesn't exist, that I'm too ugly for it and mostly I'm just wasted space"

"That's not true at all y/n I love you and I know you're beautiful. And your the best usage of space I've ever known. " you chuckled and cracked a smile. A real one. Charlie grinned like a mad man, "wow a genuine smile"


You were sitting at your lunch table, with your food untouched. Reece, your boyfriend, came up to you and said, "this is the 3rd time just this week, you need to eat y/n" You just galred at your food and shook your head. "I don't know why you're doing this you're perfect." You looked up to see the genuineness in his eyes and smiled a little. He grinned and watched as you slowly began to eat your food.


You lay in bed and didn't get out the entire bed. At the end of the day James came back and you still were in bed. "Oye lazy bones get out of bed!" James teased but you didn't laugh. You felt like there was no purpose in moving. You just stared at the ceiling wondering, what's left for me in this life? Your best friend had just died and you didn't want to live without her. James crawled in next to you and cuddling you into him. Your head rested on his chest you sobbed. You cried until you couldn't and felt a little bit better. "Ice cream?" You nodded and finally got out of bed.


You lay on your bed with your head phones in staring at the ceiling. You didn't notice Tom walk into the room. You thought about what you had to live for. Nothing. Your grades were dropping, your parents didn't want anything to do with you, and most importantly the boy you had loved forever didn't feel the same. You didn't know he was standing in your room ready to contradict that. "Y/n you gotta talk to me, you're my best friend don't shut me out" He said as you realized there was someone talking. You sat up and saw him there, after repeating what he said you responded, "Tom just leave, no one wants me, I'm a failure" Tom was infuriated. He had wanted you since the first time you net and he couldn't stand it anymore. "Y/N I LOVE YOU WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT DAMNIT!" He blurted out as your jaw dropped. You strode towards him and hugged him, "I love you too"


You were ready to make contact with blade just one final time, just as the door swung open to reveal a very emotional Casey. "Y/n don't please baby I love you so much" tears streamed down your face as he tried to talk you out of it. The blade wavered and you dropped your head. Casey quickly took it away from you and held you on the bathroom floor. As you cried into him and he joined you whispering, "please don't leave me"


You had called Barclay several times and he wouldn't pick up. You left several voice mails of you crying. You had just gotten the news your dad had died. You stood on your balcony wondering would it feel like to jump. Dark thoughts clouded your kind as you climbed up onto the ledge. You swung your legs over and looked at the view from your 15th floor apartment. You were about to stand up but a pair of arms grabbed you. You screamed, "let me go I need to jump!" You were pinned to the floor by arms you recognized. Barclay was on top of you looking heartbroken. His eyes softened as you started to cry. "Y/n..." He got off of you and pulled you to him. You sobbed into him and kept repeating how sorry you were. "Y/n don't ever do that again, I would go insane if you... I want to love you forever okay?" You nodded and hugged him tighter.


You were outside Nando's when a group of girls rushed to you. You took pictures with them and one of them grabbed your arm. You winced as the girl tugged at where your fresh wounds were. The girl gave you a strange look and you gave her a weak smile as she pulled back your sleeve. "Why?" She asked. "It takes the pain away when you know the hate gets to much" the girls jaw dropped "I'm so sorry" You hugged her and whispered into her ear, "it's not your fault, in fact people like you give me hope" After you took pictures and left, you checked your twitter to see the same girl with you in a picture with the caption, "I'll keep your secret, stay strong"


Jake was with his new girlfriend. You stared at the picture on her Instagram. She was prettier than you and the fans liked her much more. You still loved him. It hurt so much and every day it got worse. Fans started to notice and they tried to her you up. It worked for a while until you couldn't take it. You tweeted, "I still love him and I'm too weak for this much pain. I'm afraid it's time to say goodbye" The fans asked what you meant. You responded to one saying, "not to him but to everyone"

You took out your depression pills and gathered them together. Your phone went off and you reached for it right before you took them down.

He tweeted you: @y/t/n call me love

You contemplated it but called him and answered hoarsely, "Jake?"

He responded and his voice broke portraying the emotion you had waitied for, "Y/n God I was so worried please love don't do it. I still love you and I'm so sorry I left you I thought you hated me" You started to sob and laughed, "I fucking hate you Sims" He laughed and you heard his breathing halt, "You don't know how much I missed that laugh" Your heart swelled, "Jake you still have a girlfriend"

"I'll break up with her right now. But y/n can I come over?"

"Do you have to ask?" A few minutes later he arrived and pulled you to him. In his arms you felt much better and safer. Later that night you tweeted: Sometimes goodbye doesn't really mean goodbye forever.

He responded with: @y/t/n no it doesn't

The fans went crazy and everything was perfect again.

I love you guys and stay beautiful

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