I just...

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"...think you could do better." You had been crushing on a guy for some time and Charlie was voicing his thoughts. What he really wanted to say was, "you should want me not him."


"...wanna cuddle," Reece pouted. You had gotten back from school to find reece on your couch and those were the first words he said. You gladly obliged and he put his arms around you.


"...wanna say,you're beautiful," you had walked out in your new dress and James couldn't take his eyes off of you. You ended up canceling the reservations and the dress eventually came off.


"...can't do this anymore. Pretend like everything is okay when it's not," he said in anguish. Lately you had been getting skinnier, talking less, and getting unusual injuries. Tom had picked up on this and you couldn't deny it anymore. You bit back a sob as he pulled you to him. When he whispered into your ear telling you everything was gonna be okay you broke. You cried until you couldn't and he loved you even more by the end of it.


"...don't know why you chose me when Barclay obviously wanted you," Casey said it of the blue. "Well he's not the one I wanted, I'm pretty sure after the way I looked at you everyone got the hint." You shrugged and he exclaimed loudly, "AWW Y/N AREN'T YOU A CUTIE!"  He pinched your cheeks and you growled. He kissed your nose condescendingly and you pouted which resulted in more adoring kisses.


"...don't understand why you like him so much." Barclay stated as you sent crazy over Dylan O'Brien in your favorite show, Teen Wolf. "Barclay he's Stiles Stilinski, every fangirl's dream. Awkward, sarcastic, adorable, hot, intelligent, and did I mention hot!" You couldn't find the right words to describe your love for the fictional character. Barclay raised his hands in defense, as if to say sorry.

"Barclay I love you remember that and I'd choose you over him any day but cut me some slack," you begged.

"I love you too, and maybe just maybe he is a good looking guy," he admitted. You jumped up and cheered as you grabbed Barclay and forced him to do a victory dance with you.  He chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in for a kiss.


"...wanna love you, will you let me?"  Chris said as you nodded. "I love you Chris." The words were so special especially out loud. He grinned and pressed his lips to yours, "and I love you"


"...can't deal with the hate right now." Jake said when he saw the tweets about his past. "Hey your fans know that it was from a long time ago, and that it was a stupid mistake." You comforted him. He nodded as you placed you arms around him. You squeezed tightly, like you were glueing him back together, like he had done for you many times before.

A/N sorry this is so short. I missed james follow spree and jake refused to,ignore me but its NY brothers birthday so it's not like I can sulk all day.

I love you guys and never give up on your favorite
One day we'll all get what we deserve, good or bad<3

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