Type of Boyfriend

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He's adorable. He wants to cuddle all the time and he let's you wear his clothes. He buys you candy or flowers when you have a bad day. He's your best friend as well as your boyfriend.


He's caring. He likes to know if you're okay 24/7 sometimes he'll call you before going onstage and ask if you're okay. When you're sick he always takes care of you.


He's careful. He wants everything to be the best for you and even if you try and stop him he'll always try. When it's not the best he wants it to be better. He believes his princess deserves the best.


He's trustworthy. He trusts you completely and never doubts you. If you go out with your friends he knows you'll be okay. Of course you always remind him how much you love him and that you trust him as well.


He's clingy. Not clingy that its annoying but he just likes to always touch you. In public you're always holding hands or hugging and even sometimes spotted kissing.


He's protective. He puts his arm around your waist when he sees someone looking at you. He doesn't hesitate to tell a guy to back off and certainly doesn't mind getting in a fight. You don't mind since he looks hot when he's mad.


He's fun. You both liked to explore. He took you out to clubs or concerts. You can party but still have a rainy day. To say the least a day with him was never dull.


He's playful. He likes to tease you most of the time. He always jokes around but can be serious when you need it.

A/N ugh school tomorrow for me and chaz wish us both luck
When most of you read this it's already gonna be Monday and the thought of that is making me cringe so yeah bye
I love you guys and stay beautiful

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