What turns him on

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A/n four leaked and now my life is complete

Charlie: (a/n OK so Char is 14 but still)

When you wear his clothes. He thinks you look really cute and he keeps cuddling with you. "Charlie stop I need space!" You tried to wriggle out his grip, you pouted as he pulled you back. "Noooooo Y/n come back cutie" You gave in and sighed putting your arms around him. You rested your head on his chest feeling the accelerated beat of his heart resembling your own.


When you laugh. He thinks your laugh is the most beautiful thing he's ever heard. It makes his heart race and he wants to make you laugh more. "Hey Y/n if you were a triangle you'd be acute one" You couldn't stop your laughter as you heard his stupid line.


When you swear. You have the mouth of a sailor and he thinks its really attractive when you swear. He pulls you to him and kisses you until you both are breathless.


When you don't wear makeup. He finds you so beautiful especially when you don't wear makeup. He kisses your soft cheeks and watches your every breath. You feel uncomfortable like he's judging you when really he's taking in your natural beauty.


When you talk to your best friends. When you're with your friends you turn into a maniac. Laughter is unavoidable. Casey always watches you when you're with them. He's so in love with you that every time you smile his heart flutters. After when you two are alone he makes you smile and kisses your nose lovingly. When you try to have an actual conversation with him he keeps kissing your nose until you give up and start giggling.


When you get jealous. Once you were outside and this girl came up to Chris while you were next to him and said "wanna dance?" You looked the girl straight in the eyes and said, "Why don't you take your skanky self the hell away from my boyfriend" you snarled out. When the girl left Chris looked at you and laughed, "that was sexy as hell"  You glared at him and he kissed your cheek and said, "wanna dance?" You couldn't help your grin as you joined him on the dancefloor.


When you get mad. Even when you argue it turns him on. Once it got really heated and you lifted your hand to slap him. He caught it by the wrist and pushed you against the wall whispering in your ear, "You shouldn't have done that" Your eyes met and the tension was so thick you might've been able to see it. Barclay pushed his lips against yours and you didn't hesitate to respond. You stopped and pushed him off and led him up to your bedroom. "Just remember I'm still pissed" you reminded him as he grinned pushing you backwards. (a/n I'm actually a terrible person sorry for doing that to guys)


When you act nerdy. You really loved math, even though Jake couldn't understand it. Once you tried to explain something to him and he just stared at you with awe. You didn't know but Jake thought it was hot how smart you were.  Your intelligence was attractive. He didn't say it until one day you were working on homework for school and he came in saying, "there's my little nerd" You frowned and pouted at his use of words, "I prefer intellectual bad ass" You said matter-of-factly. You ignored him as he continued to try to get your attention. "Aww look I'm sorry Y/n I actually find it really sexy when you speak Algebra to me. I don't understand it but damn knowing my girlfriend's a genius is really hot" You smirked and stood up leaving your work behind. You pulled Jake to you, lacing your arms around his waist, and kissed him slowly. You pulled apart resting your head against his,"I love you Jake"

"I love you too Y/n"

A/N OK Idk what to say umm follow my twitter @Charbeargraham and stay swaggy
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PS sorry for any grammatical errors

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