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'So you've finally decided who you want to work with?'
The CEO of YG Entertainment asked his beloved employee Nari, who has been waiting for her turn to finally work with idols.

'Yes sir,' she replied.

'And, Treasure, is the upcoming boy band your choice? 'Not bad,' the CEO said as he flipped through Nari's file.

'But I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to handle them; you do realise they're 12, right?' Nari's anxiety level continued to rise as a result of what the CEO said.

'Yes sir, but I'd want to give it a shot, so please,' she said.

'You are my cherished employee, and I appreciate your hard work, so I will grant your wish to work as Treasure's assistant,' he replied with a smile.

'Thank you so much, sir,' she said as she bowed to her boss. 'I will work even harder.'

'Okay, so the thing you need to know is that there are still members under the age of 16, and you must look after them.you are 17 years old?' he enquired

'Yes sir'

'Don't you think this would be too difficult for you?' Concerned, the CEO asked.

'I don't think there would be much pressure, they seem to have great personalities and attitudes,' Nari said.

'If you say so, I'll notify their manager, and hopefully you'll be able to start working next week,' the CEO said.

'Yes sir, I will do my best,' Nari said, bowing once more and preparing to leave the office.

'Please work hard,' the CEO said to his employee Nari, smiling.

As Nari walked out of the office, she felt as if she had archived her dreams; she had finally gotten the chance to work with idols, and she couldn't have asked for more.

Despite the fact that she works harder than the employees who have already enjoyed their lives as idol managers or assistants, she never complains about anything; she simply accepts her fate and waits for her turn.

And now, the CEO has finally given a chance to a young lady named Nari, and Nari couldn't have asked for anything more; she was overwhelmed by the CEO's recognition.. She is still young and has much to learn, but when it comes to work, age is irrelevant. She completed her work neatly, nicely, and perfectly; she has a personality that everyone desires; and she is conscientious in her duties performance. Everyone in the company, including the CEO, recognises her hard work. The CEO has always liked her since she joined the company, but he decided that since she is still young, he wants to help her develop her skills more and set aside a suitable time for her.

And the time has come.

Nari was called back to the CEO's office shortly after she left, and she was afraid that it would be bad news. She is aware that she could lose her chance at any time, so she is apprehensive about returning to the CEO's office, but she needs to, so she does.

Nari took a nervous step inside the CEO's office, and then she was taken aback by what she saw in front of her.

'this is Nari, your new assistant' The CEO stated.

Nari was still stunned, standing on the entrance, unsure of what was going on. The boys in front of her examine their so-called 'New assistant Nari.' They bowed to her, and Nari did as well, but she was still perplexed.

'Nari, these are the boys you've chosen; please introduce yourself.' The CEO informed Nari, and Nari wasted no time in introducing herself.

'annyeonghaseyeo.... I'm Nari, your assistant' she said and bowed to them.

𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 || Treasure ffWhere stories live. Discover now