Rainy Seasons|Jang Wonyoung

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Genre: Fluffy
Warnings: None so far
Note: Rainy days is just my favorite weather so mind sharing it with my bias, jk^ω^ btw wonyoung's not an idol here


Authors POV
It was raining cats & dogs this afternoon and y/n and wonyoung are cuddling in the couch while watching there favorite show.

It was their favorite time of weather where they could just lay on the couch with each others arms wrap around one another while enjoying the silent Atmosphere surrounding the room.

While the raindrops dripping on the roofs making a sweet dripping sounds that's really comforting to hear while the sound of the television beaming in the living room

Making you both enjoy your show together hand in hand without saying a thing because actions speak louder than words right?(•ω•) right?

Wonyoung's POV
It's really quite today with the rains dripping on the roofs and the windows too with my beloved boyfriend beside me lying on the couch while we cuddle.

It's really comfortable today even though we didn't talk that much, but I know he loves me a lot. Does he?

"Luv?"(a/n: I didn't put babe or baby because it's super cringey i don't like it sorry my cute potatoes) he just gave me a "hmm" for a reply

"Do you love me?" What? I just wanted to know if he does love me right? "what are saying wonyoung? Of course I love you I really really do a lot" I smiled with his comment and blushed

"why did  you ask so randomly though?" he looked at my eyes yet I didn't told him why, cause I myself didn't know why.

Then he continued "if I didn't love you, then why would I kiss you every morning, why would I sleep with you in bed together, and why would I tell this words to you if I didn't love you right"

Aww... He loves me a lot. I blushed madly I couldn't believe he said those things to me, then he grab my chin lifted me up to face his beautiful blue orbs with my brown ones then he kissed me on the lips making me shocked but kissed back immediately

Our kiss was soft and passionate and I really love the feeling and I don't want to stop this but air became a problem to us, so he pulled back making me hug him and lay my head in his chest to hide my already red tomato face.

He giggled how I love those giggles of his it feels like music to my ears. "I love you so much my cutey bunny" I hit his chest lightly not trying to hit him painfully

"Yah stop it" I hid my face using my palms because i'm already blushing furiously. Even just some cringey words can make me blush huh?

"Let's go outside luv" wait what it's raining right? "but it's raining outside" I pouted I really want to go outside with him holding hands, eating in an ice cream shop. I really miss those days.

"but it's raining outside" she pouted oohhh I want to kiss those plumpy lips of hers, now I sound like a creep really but I have a plan.

Exactly what you're thinking where going to play in the rain sounds like a kid thing huh? Welp I don't really care okay? I love her and She loves me that's important.

"Let's go play outside, gaja(let's go)" I grab her hand and run outside not forgetting to turn off the t.v of course that'd be a waste of electicity right? Nvm.

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