Getting to know him|Jang Wonyoung

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A/n: I have an important thing to say regarding this book at the end of this story. Oh and this story mainly focuses on Wonyoung's POV, maybe, and this may be a long chap. hope u enjoy:)
No One's POV

"UGH I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE!!" Wonyoung shouted as she groaned in annoyance and sat down with her friends.

"what's wrong wonnie?" Eunbi asked and stopped whatever she was doing to listen to her best friends rant, again.

"Y/N!" the boy she have been crushing for, for years now, she wanted to know if the boy liked her or not, but whatever things she does doesn't work or affect the boy somehow.

Wonyoung tried the flirtatious way but it didn't work, it made him uncomfortable so she tried again with a different approach.

She tried to be cute in front of him, wearing cutesy stuff that she thinks y/n would like but to no avail y/n finds it creepy. So another failure again.

She tried the simplest way which is to approach him friendly but it didn't work! She can't speak properly when the boy stares at her so she ran away screaming which the boy found it weird. Failure again.

"I tried a lot to get him to notice me but it doesn't work! It ends up me running away from him or the plan would be a failure and he thinks i'm a creep or something UGHH what am I gonna do?!" she groaned once again and covers her face while thinking deeply.

The rest of the girls sighs, once again not believing how Wonyoung can be so desperate and dramatic for that boy.

They tried talking to her about y/n just doesn't care about people that surrounds him or even care about a girl at all!

They even tried to tell her about the rumours that was spreading inside the campus, how y/n harshly rejects a girl and doesn't care whether she was hurt or not.

But that was just rumours, Wonyoung said to herself, he wouldn't that, he may be cold outside but she knows deep inside that boy has a sweet side of him that he doesn't want to show to anyone.

Maybe something happened to him that made him like this? Wonyoung thought wanting to find some answers.

"look Wonnie y/n is y/n and he doesn't want to be bothered by anyone at all, how did you fell for him anyways?" one of her best friend Yujin asks.

How did she though?

She didn't know the actual reason why, but she always knows that she was intrigued by he's cold demeanor somehow, and how mysterious he is.

Y/n wasn't the type of cold person that bullies or fights with other people but his rather the type of cold person that is still kind to others or helps them with anything. He just doesn't talk to people and doesn't even care if he has friends or not.


One time when Wonyoung needed help with something in her activity that the professor gave them, she got stuck with it, she didn't know how to do it.

Y/n saw this and insisted to help her while the professor wasn't looking, which shocked her, because why would y/n talk to her? I mean she knows that he doesn't want to interact with anyone.

But she let him anyways, because who would say no to a free answer right?

He got to tell Wonyoung the answers and he even taught her how to do it so she wont struggle next time!


Anyways, that was the time when she knew y/n was different, a good kind of different. There was just something she needs to know about him, a simple thing but complicated to do.

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