Infinity Train I| Ahn Yujin

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A/n: I just had this idea of mine and god I just had to, anyone of you knows the cartoon show infinity train? This is based off of that i'm just really obsessed with cartoons nowadays. Anyways enjoy~~

Y/n's POV


Shit. here we go again with the fighting. As I expected, when I enter our doorstep they'll stop and think we're a oh so happy family together but lo and behold we are far from happy. This has been going on for about a year if i'm correct, they'll think they can save their marriage, but they can't.

I'm not saying I want them apart but they just can't be together if they don't understand each other like they used to. I love both my parents so much but I can't bare to see them fight over nonsensical things.

I just think they needed a little break from each other, but they do not want to even if they needed it, because there is me and I is there.

They wanted to set a good example for my sake, bullshit. They think I don't know about there constant bickering when i'm not inside our household. Even I get tired of it.

I tried to make it obvious for them that I knew about their 'falling apart' stage, I don't know if they see through it or they're just pretending not to see them. I just needed a break from all the argument.

I sigh and opened up our door, just like I expected, they stopped and the whole living area was a mess. Papers and books  scattered everywhere and some furniture were out of place.

They look at me awkwardly smiling written all over their petty little mouths. "Hi sweetie welcome home~ we just... did umm.. a you know... cleaning... ye-yeah cleaning" mother approached me hugging me in the process while making dumb excuses again. Father was right about the excuse thing.

I just nodded my head and simply replied a cold 'sure' towards both of them before running up the stairs and went up to my bedroom. My safe haven from arguing my parents.

I put my things down and grab my guitar. I've always dreamed to be a musician someday since I was in my diapers, my parents always said i've been obsessed with it since, they told me i went ballistic when they didn't gave me the guitar I wanted for my birthday when I was maybe ten years old.

I chuckled at the memory, we were still happy that time, the three of us. No fighting, no arguments, no excuses, and no pretending, just our loving and happy selves.

My train of thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on my bedroom door, I sighed once again and opened my door seeing both of my parents at my doorstep.

I arch my brows and asked "did you need something?" They nervously look at each other and slowly look at me, I saw fear written both on their eyes. "Is there something wrong?" I asked, my voice lace with fear and confusion combined.

"Remember the camp you always wanted to go to this summer?" I nodded as a replied "what about it?" My eyes seemingly looking at both of them as they slowly speak.

"Well... sweetie we kind of need to change plans, for important measures... your dad and I will be going somewhere umm.. far so we can't give you a ride at camp tomorrow, we're very sorry for that. It's just, we need to do something important" both of their gazes were non-present from me after those words.

What?! This is not just some camp! It's my dream to be in it, the start of my goal! This camp was the only way for me to improve myself better!

I was invited to this camp out of all the people in the world, you can't get in this camp so easily, you need an invite from the leaders themselves! And you can't expect them to just hand out invitations from random people! They choose who they want to teach! And one of them is me!

Now I can't go because of some bullshit excuse again, i'll bet they'll go to city and file divorce papers or something. I know i'm being mean but this is all i'm asking for and they pinky promise me they would, pinky promise! You don't break a pinky promise, ever.

"But you promise me you would, didn't you? We've planned this months ago mom! You can't just ditch it like this!" My eyes started to sting and I knew i'll start crying soon but I held it in as possible as I could.

"I know, but like I said, this is important matters" she vaguely answered me. "Okay if it's so important, how about you ride me to camp as fast as possible and you could go to god knows where you're going, yeah?"

They both heaved a sigh and look at me once again "we already scheduled in the morning, so if possible, we need to get there early"

I unintentionally sniffed and slowly nodded my head "yeah, sure, fine, it's just a dumb stupid camp anyways. Who needs it" I sarcastically smiled at them and went to wipe my nose. It's obvious, I know, but I did my best in this situation i'm in right now.

The look on their faces seemed unconvinced but they didn't pry on any further from that, which i'm thankful for. I said my goodbyes and close the door.

I grab my guitar once again and laid in bed closing my eyes, what do I do now? I really need to be there! I can't miss out on this great opportunity.

Then an idea popped in my mind, if they can't give me a ride to camp then i'll take myself to camp, it just takes a little bit of risk but it'll be worth it.

I packed all my necessities; clothes, some snacks on the road, the flyer/invitation of the camp I pinned on my bulletin board, a map and a compass which is very important, my cellphone and my headphones, do not forget my charger, and most importantly my precious guitar.

After i've done my packing I immediately went and grab the ladder I hid in my closet, do not question me why it's there, it's for emergency purposes, okay.. I sneak out sometimes so what.

I open my window and carefully place my ladder outside of it, steadily testing it first, you can't be too sure okay? I hurriedly went and get my stuff.

I look out my bedroom for the last time and sighed "i'll only be gone for a month. Sorry mother, sorry father but I need this, I love you both so much" I mumbled and  started my journey.

After minutes of walking towards north I decided to look through the map I stored in my bag and the location of the said camp.

The camp is not really that far from here, I just needed to walk straight west for a few kilometres and then head north again for a few kilometres then straightly head towards east if I journey on the road or I could go for a shortcut in the woods which is more convenient, I just need to head straight north for a few miles then head east. Alright shortcut it is!

Placing back the map I started my journey once again.

After a few hours I reached the path where I have to turn east, though I got confused by the second I saw railroad tracks on the middle of nowhere. Why is there tracks in here? There were no location present at the map whatsoever. There isn't even any station at all!

Suddenly, a train stopped infront me, wait a minute, I didn't see a train coming a few seconds ago. Am I going crazy or what?

Nonetheless, I ignored my igniting confusion and stepped inside the train, I couldn't see anything inside but the minute I stepped on the train I saw a brightly growing green light before passing out.


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