Saved me|Kim Chaewon

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A/n: So i'm back i guess?(•ω•) anyways just a quick warning they will be mention of suicide and depressing things so if you don't want things like this please do skip. Enjoy reading.


Y/n's POV
The smell of air passes through my nose as I sat down, I don't know if what i'm doing is right or wrong but I just want to end this hell of a life.

I just found out that I was just adopted because my biological parents didn't wanted me at all and well.... I could say the same for my foster parents now.

They also didn't wanted me around. Why did they adopted me if they didn't wanted me you say? Well.... Long story short they were paid by my biological parents tons of money to take care of me. So it was more like a trade.

My biological parents are happy now with their daughter as i've heard they had one.

I left the house knowing I was just a burden to them, when I heard my friends talked about it at school they quickly left me for god knows what reason. Tsk fvcking plastic friends!

And now that leads me to here, sitting in the middle of the bridge deciding if I should just end it or not, besides no one wants me anyway why bother?

My life is just hell for me, I want to rest, yes that's it I want to rest, i'm emotionally and physically tired of everything around me.

Is this worth it though?
Yes it should be, so I wont bother anyone anymore.

*sighs* I looked at my watch and saw the time 11:30 pm. Perfect it's almost midnight.

I wanted to do it at exactly midnight so people wouldn't see me jumping here. Well... I think they wouldn't care too but fvck them i'll do it anyways whether they care or not.

Looking at my arm again seeing old and new cuts i did from the years i've lived at this hell hole makes me think that I live just to suffer.

The blood flowing from it makes me cringe a little, I never ever liked blood it makes me vomit(Hemophobic people can relate, including me●_●). But i've gotten used to it by now since I always do this when I feel like I wanted to. (A/n: sorry to interrupt but have you ever tried hurting yourself? Cuz I have●˙—˙●)


*Sighs* It's time y/n, you could rest in peace now. No problems would come in my way anymore.

I stood up grabbing the rails of the bridge and ready to climb up when I heard a sound close to me. So I stopped what I was doing and look around, since it's dark out I couldn't really see anything.

Thinking it was just rats running around I turned around again and "Hey!!" I quickly look back and saw a figure, I still can't see who it is though.

"Are you death? Don't worry i'm willing to come with you, I just want to end my life now" What was I thinking? I mean that person is wearing all black and maybe just maybe it was death? (;-;)

The figure laughed and pulled out their phone and turned on her flashlight. Yes, exactly it's a her it's not death *sighs* welp no dying for me then bummer.

Didn't I mention they weren't any lights on this bridge? No? Well now you know anyways...

"what are doing here?" I asked. What the hell was she doing here at the middle of the night? She should be in her bed sleeping.

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