Sunset|Kwon Eunbi

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A/n: So this will only be a short chap:) I'm sorry I just want to update and I was super lazy this past few months:p

Y/n's POV
Sunsets was always been my favorite thing in the world, sitting there while watching the sun hand in hand with your lover. While the sound of the waves hits the surface of the pier, was really relaxing. Just watching it together was already a romantic thing for me.

I'm a simple kind of guy, I like simple things like picnic dates, binge watching movies all day and night, or maybe just cuddling on the sofa or on the couch is enough to satisfy me.

And all of the things I said, well as unbelievable as it was, I never experienced them before, like ever in my life I had.

I wanted to experience them really badly even just a few minutes or seconds. But I can't

'Hi i'm Y/n'

And well.... That would be the problem. No... I was the problem..

You see, i'm almost dying, I have an incurable disease that affects my brain muscles and my whole nervous system to the point I couldn't control my body anymore(a/n: is there a disease like that? Let me know cuz' I didn't know what I wrote)

I'm literally paralyzed, but I could still feel something like someone's hands holding on to my own. And I could maybe move my hand a little since I've been practicing.

I had this disease since I was around 5 years old, sad right. And I'm currently suffering this up until now, which by the way is the worst thing that happened to me.

I wasn't born this way from what my mom told me so, she just told me that she started to saw something change inside of me, something really different and unusual she asked about this but he didn't know about it either. So of course, since they weren't professionals, to took me to the hospital for a check up.

The result was me ending up like this,  stuck in a hospital my whole life! And hated it so fucking much.

I couldn't spend a day without getting to see the outside world or getting to see what's beyond the street I was in.

I could barely go outside without any assistance because I can't barely move my limbs and feet at all.

And because I couldn't go out there when I'm badly sick and that's why I'm here, they'll treat me as best as they can but I knew for sure that this wouldn't last long.

And I also knew for sure that I'm getting worst day by day, they knew too, but they didn't want then to see me in pain so they tried everything they can.

Not sound to be rude but I'm really thankful for what they're doing but I can't take it anymore, I can't bare seeing my family,  friends, relatives, or my girlfriend in a pain state because of me.

I let them suffer physically and emotionally and I want it to stop, but the only option I could do right now, is for me to stop either. In other words, die.

My mother works everyday and everynight full time to pay my hospital bills and Fathers prison fee(a/n: is that what you call it?)

Father went crazy when he knew I wasn't getting better, he started to rob banks, malls, restaurants, and any money related stores you could think of. You already know what the result could be, he went to jail, and that's also because of me.

I couldn't really call my father as a bad guy since he did all of that just to pay everything I needed. He literally sacrificed himself just for me, I would also do the same if I were in his position.

And now my mom had to double up her schedule just for us, I feel really bad for her,  this wouldn't happen if I haven't had this fucking disease at the first place.

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