Soulmate|Jo Yuri

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Y/n's POV
People wouldn't really think soul mates are a thing? That they're not real, that it's all just baloney.

Well they're real, they really are.

I didn't believe it at first, because who would? Having a soulmate is already cliché at it is.

But yeah, I have one.

Every country has its different things to identify whether you have found your soul mate or not like red strings? Tattoos?  Birthmarks?  And many more.

For us we have rings. Yes exactly, every one of us were born with a ring on our finger, no one knows where or how was it there. But rumours or everyone calls them as legends and myths.

They say it was the gods who forged them with their mighty powers and all, and of course with the help of destiny and faith. What a piece of crap!

This was too impossible to believe and I was one of those who does not believe in those things. How can I, when it is too impossible to begin with.

But it was not, as crappy as it is, I did have a soul mate. I have a ring on my finger, I'm not going to deny that it is very cute and all but I hate it at the same time.

I didn't want to be with someone who was forced to be with me? Yeah I believe that this so called soul mates are forced to be with us, and I hate the thought of it.

I know it's not really a good explanation but I don't give a fuck about it at all.

So back to the ring, from what I heard from my mom, we were born with it and it is place simply on our right ring finger.

You can take it off though and you could also destroy it but the consequences that could lead that would be you and your soul mates death. Cliché isn't it?

Anyways, I was planning on removing it when I haven't heard about the consequences, but when I did, I had second thoughts.

I don't really care if I did die, but together with my so called soul mate would die with me I couldn't risk it, I'm still a person altogether you know. I didn't want to let them die because I didn't wanted them to be with me.

So eventually the ring works like this: it indicates or tells the emotions that your soul mate is going through.

Red means she's mad about something, yellow means she's happy, green means she's disgusted, violet means she's scared of something.

When the ring finally turns pink or would I say hot pink that means that you have found your soul mate. But if it's still in the baby pink phase it means you're so close in finding her

To my relief though, you have plenty of time to find your soul mate all around the world or whatever. This thing doesn't have a timer to indicate if you have to find your soul mate so quickly.

And lastly the bad colors: gray means they have experienced something really bad in their lives that they couldn't rid of, white means they're currently have an illness that has no cure in it, and lastly we have the color black. I think you already have an idea what it is, yes, it means their dead and eventually the ring will fall off your finger and turns into dust.

And you'll be single for the rest of your life. Though it depends if the gods would give you a chance to rebirth yourself then you're fucking lucky.

Rebirth means you have to kill yourself so you could restart your life with another soul mate, you could have a new ring, a new family, and a new life.

And when the two of you decided to be forever, also called marriage, you should take both of your rings and link them together while saying each of your vows with each other and while doing so, you have to throw the rings on the goblet to become one. Fucking cliché shits.

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