Training with Obito

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Haruto's POV

I start training with Obito today. I don't know why but I'm actually excited to start training. Rin told me I have potential.......but what do I have potential for is my question. I sit up in my bed not being able to sleep, I look at the clock and it reads "2:30 am" I still have an hour and a half till we start. I turn, cross my legs and start meditating. I arrive in my mind "palace" which is where Isobu (3 Tails) and Rin are in my body. "RIN WE NEED TO TALK!" I scream her name to get her attention and she appears in front of me, I can never get use to her just appearing out of nowhere like that.

"About what?" Her voice is as sweet and calm as it usually is. I can tell why Obito liked her......but shes not my type anyway. "I hope you know I'm in your head so I can hear your thoughts, right?"

"Oh right I forgot. But what do you think I have potential for?" I start thinking about what my type would be.

"To surpass your father. And I can still hear your thoughts." She chuckled as she reminded me once again. "Now its my turn to ask you a question. What would you want in a girl anyway?"

"Well, definitely not one I think of as a little sister. Thats for sure." I chuckle as I tell her this.

Rin chuckles back "Seriously." She really does want to know.

"Alright, I guess it'd be someone I can rely on, strong, determined and well...protect herself." I had to think about that one because I never really did before this.

"Oh, its 3:00 you might want to go." She runs up to me and gives me a hug in which I return. "Just come and visit again soon it gets lonely here you know?"

"Yeah, of course." I ruffle her hair and kiss her on the forehead as I start returning to the world. I get out of bed and head to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I start cooking and Obito walks in.

"What?! I said 4:00 not 3:15!" He sounded serious until he laughed. "But what smells so good?" He's obviously hungry but I didn't make enough for both of us, because I didn't think he'd be up yet.

"My homemade Ramen." I finish the only serving I made and I start on another one. "Here, have some breakfast."

"Thanks!" He starts eating and by the time I finished cooking mine, he was already done. "Are you ready? It's going to be long and tough."

"Yeah I guess i'm as ready as i'll ever be." I was actually kinda nervous i'm 13 and i've never done anything like this before. Im don't even know if i can use jutsus or not.

"Don't doubt yourself Haruto. It will only make you worse in training. AND TRUST OBITO HES A GOOD GUY!!" I have no clue why Rin was scolding me. Obito and me started heading out back around 3:45.

"Ok we will start with something easy, Tiajutsu." EASY HE SAYS THATS EASY!

"Compared to everything else, yes thats easy Haruto."  Rin was trying to make me feel better about it.

"Ok come at me Haruto." I run at him with my hand in a fist and he trips me and I hit the ground hard. "This is how training will go."

Is he serious?! We are just gonna do hand to hand combat and fight each other.

A couple months pass.

We are still training and he throws a few Kunai at me and I dodge all but one that I catch and throw back at him. I'm getting pretty good, but he can still throw me around .

"Ok, I think thats good for now, I have to leave for a little while but I'll be back." He went inside and started packing his stuff and when I went in there he was already gone.

Dang, I still have a long way to go........

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