The Fight Against Shakaku

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Haruto's POV

.............Shakaku. I see Sasuke passed out, Naruto wore out, and Sakura trapped and knocked out. I jump over there and kick the sand freeing Sakura. I catch her and check if she's at least alive. Good, she's alive. "Naruto, get Sakura and Sasuke out of here."

"Ok. Wait! You just want the credit for saving Sakura don't you!" He's shaking his fist at me vigorously.

"NARUTO! NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR THIS! I WILL GLADLY GIVE YOU THE CREDIT BUT YOU NEED TO GET HER OUT OF HERE!" Great now I'm screaming at my knucklehead brother. ".......please.......I care about Sakura, Aika and you more than please get her, Aika, Sasuke and yourself to saftey......"

"And you're going to fight the Shakaku alone?" He looks at me and I see a tear roll down his face. "I haven't known you very long, but it feels like a void in my heart was filled......."

I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Naruto I will return to you guys alive. I promise." I ruffle his hair and he smiles. He jumps off and trips on the ground below. Idiot. I jump at the Shakaku and it immediately slams me against a tree. I jump off the and start doing hand signs to summon the dragons but Shakaku grabs my hands and starts repeatedly punching my left side. I can feel my ribs breaking. "Aaaahhhhh!"

"Haruto!" Aika. She always did care about me deep down inside her.

"Aika I'll be ok!"

"I'm not Aika!" I turn my head as much as I can and see Sakura awake and looking up at me. I know what I need to do but I don't know if I can. I start forming two Resangans and they start rubbing against Shakaku's hand. He yells out in pain and he drops me. I fall and hit my back on a thick tree branch. I fall even more hitting the ground at terminal velocity (the rate in which you can't get faster when falling). "Haruto!"

"Sakura stay back!"

Kakashi's POV

I here a loud crash so I race to the source. No way, Shakaku! I look to see Haruto laying on the ground beat up as if he was attempting to fight it. And based on everyone else's condition compared to him he tried it alone. What was he thinking?! I see the Shakaku go to step on him and it doesn't look like he got out in time.......great now Minato Sensei is going to come back to life just to kill me. Wait! His foot is lifting? Could he have some how lived. Oh no. Two tails already! Great Haruto entered a state where he's surrounded by the Three Tails' chakra. I jump down to the rest and look at what's happening. And Haruto is being consumed by the three tails.

Haruto's POV

Where am I? "Haruto!" Rin oh my god! I'm glad she's ok. So that means I'm in my mindscape. But what about Shakaku?! "Isobu took over! You have to stop him!"

I run to the seal and I notice something bad. It's loose. I run up to the seal and a hand stops me. "Haruto. I got this." Dad? Why didn't he do something sooner? "I would have done something earlier but I couldn't until you got to the seal. I'm sorry."

He fixes the seal and I seem to wake up. I get hit but I manage to land on a branch. There's nothing from the book to help, all it says is 'if fewer be able to evade them, if weaker be able to avoid them.'And none of that will help here. So I guess I just need to......crap I don't know! Wait! The dragons! I do hand signs, bite my thumb and put my hand on the branch. "Summoning jutsu!"

"What did you call me for?!" He looks up and sees Shakaku. He squints and flips me onto his head. "This is a good reason kid. So what's the plan?"

"Plan?" Crap forgot a plan............well lets just make it up as I go.

"Why do you protect the very people who hate you for who you are?"

"You don't understand. I'm protecting the people I care about! Naruto, Sakura, Aika, Kakashi Sensei and hell even Sasuke!" I see him get a little annoyed and he takes a swing. The chief dragon manages to block it but he takes a bit of damage. "So don't ask unless you know how I feel!"

"Well put kid."

"But, they don't even care about you. If they did they would have went looking for you." I fall to my knees and Shakaku starts laughing. "Hahaha! You're a freak just like your brother!"

"Shut the hell up you overgrown sand castle!" He looks surprised that I'm not scared. But yeah I am, I'm terrified. But he just said something about Naruto.

"You two are freaks and thats it!"

"I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP!" I look at him sternly and he seems a little nervous. "Say what you want about me, but not Naruto! He is a good guy, thoughtful, and he's been through a lot! But even if he is shunned by the village and he's a jinjuriki, that doesn't matter! I believe in Naruto! He will be a hero, and THE GREATEST HOKAGE THE LEAF VILLAGE HAS EVER SEEN!"

I whisper the the chief and he nods at my plan. He takes a swing to distract Shakaku while I leap at Gaara. I get caught a decent distance away and I accidentally throw my Resangan. Wait throw it?! It goes about five feet then disappears. Oh no I messed up. It reappears in front of Gaara and hit him. Shakaku falls apart and the chief leaves. Gaara and I hit the ground and Gaara looks at me. "What just happened?"

"I think I beat that Shakaku guy." He looks surprised and then sincere. "What's wrong?"

"You taught me a lot just then. What it means to be a Shinobi and to have friends." He sits up and walks up to Sakura and Sasuke. "I'm sorry I lost control."

"Pfft. Whatever." Ugh, Sasuke is so annoying. I try and sit up but the pain prevents me from doing so. I guess through most of that I was being stabilized by adrenaline.

"I'll get you to the hospital." Kakashi was starting to pick me up and Sakura stopped him.

"You saved me from something Sasuke couldn't. Thank you."

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