First Mission of Team Seven

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Haruto's POV

"Alright guys, I will be teaching you things on the job. And afterwards you will be critiqued. So now that we are here. Do you guys know what to do first?"

"Get information."

"Good Sarada. Especially since we know next to nothing." We all run in separate directions and I find the chief of the village. "I'm from the hidden Leaf. I'm here about the bandit problem."

"Good. We have some developments on the situation. They've hired a rogue ninja." Great......this turned B Rank really quick. "And rumors have it this ninja has the Byakugan."


I walk out and call Naruto's office.

~Hokages office, this is Shikamaru.

~Wheres Naruto?

~Seems he over slept.......again. Why?

~I need to know what to do about certain developments.

~Which are?

~We're up against a rogue Byakugan user.

~WHAT?! Thats not good! Send the kids back immediately!

As he finishes I hear a scream. SARADA! I run to the area and the rogue is there, along with the other three. "Guys get back to the village I got this! NOW!"

They all run off and about five minutes pass. Damn it! I'm getting my ass kicked! And I can't go full power without doing more harm than good. What that chakra is approaching and fast. "BORUTO! STREAM!"

I see Boruto land a hit dead center on his chest and he falls back. "I told you to get back to the village! You disobeyed a direct order!"

"Old man, Kakashi taught us something more important than following orders. Breaking the rules makes you scum. But turning your back on your comrades and friends makes you even worse than scum!" Boruto.......That was actually really mature of you. You're coming along, good job. "The others refused to leave as well."

"Right. Let's regroup for now." We jump out and meet up with the others. "Since you guys obviously won't listen to me. Heres the plan. Mito use your mother's strength. Mitsuki use all the lightning style you can. Sarada, use you Sharingon as much as possible and throw his attacks right back at him. Boruto, your with me. Lets go."

Mutsuki's POV

We run out and Boruto and the captain run the other way. "Lightning style. Lightning strike jutsu."

I miss but Sarada does it as well. Mito hits so close to him it pushes him into Sarada's attack. "ULTIMATE BORUTO! STREAM!"

We see Boruto land a clean hit on him and he flies in a building. Boruto transforms into the captain and he smiles. "Good job guys. You just completed an A Rank level mission. Lets head back to the village."

We get back and we go to Naruto to make our report. "You were told to send them back here!"

"I know, I'm sorry."


"Not now Boruto."

"No, Uncle Naruto. Boruto's right, we were the ones who refused to come back." Guys. Just leave it, its still my fault, I'm team Captain.

"Doesn't matter he's the captain so he should've made you leave."

"Uncle Naruto, with all due respect dad tried. We wouldn't listen, if anyone should be punished its us."

The lost UzimakiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora