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Haruto's POV

I walk in and see quite the knucklehead chasing a cat. He walks up to me and I see quite the emo kid drop behind him. "NARUTO LETS GO!"

"HOLD ON SASUKE!" Naruto? I hug him and he pushes me off. "What wrong with you?!"

"You're Naruto right?" He nods and back ups a little bit. A tall silver haired Shinobi drops down next to Naruto. "Naruto, I know you probably don't remember me but but......I'm your brother, Haruto."

"No way." The silver haired Shinobi bends down and his eyes get wide. "Haruto is that really you? I'm Kakashi."

Kakashi? Oh yeah, he's the one who my dad trained and saved him from lightning! "Oh my god! Eeeek! It's really Kakashi! He's the one I was telling you about!"

I hug Kakashi and he hugs me back. "Wow, I never thought I would see you back in the village." We let of and he explains everything to Naruto. "So he will be living with you and Aika."

"You are going to have so much fun with us! BELIEVE IT!" I start walking with Naruto back to the apartment and Naruto runs into a store. He comes out about a half hour later with a bag of stuff. "Sorry had to get stuff for dinner."

"You don't need to apologize for that. Do what you need to do." We get to the apartment and theres a little girl with red hair sitting on the couch. Naruto goes over and explains everything to her.........well to the best of his ability. I see her nod and then look at me. "Hey Aika."

"Naruto......" Of course she doesn't believe that I'm her older brother. I fall on my knees and grasp my face over my right eye.

"Haruto!" Naruto runs over to me and lifts me onto the couch. "I'm going to get Kakashi Sensei!"

I see him leap off the balcony, leaving me and Aika alone. About an hour passes and Naruto returns with Kakashi. "What's going on?" He looks at me and removes my hand to look. He looks astonished after seeing it. "A.......a Rinnegan?! How many times have you gotten this pain?"

"Only twice. Now and when I first got it." I see him do a a few hand signs and then he puts his hand over my eye. The pain is gone? How is that possible? "What happened?"

"It was a jutsu I learned from your guys' mother Kushina. Its a pain relieving jutsu." He stands up, looks at the three of us and smiles. "Wow, I never thought I would see you three back together again. I mean the whole family that's still here is back together."

"Ok so he is our brother?" Kakashi explains everything to her and she looks at Naruto because he got the story completely wrong. "Ok, so why does he look like Sakura?"

I put a confused look on my face because I don't know who that is. "Oh shes such an angel." I see Kakashi roll his eyes like he's just saying that because he has a massive crush on her. "She's absolutely amazing."

I look at the bag of groceries and judging on how much ramen there is I make an educated guess that we are having that for tomorrow as well. "Well you see, I don't really understand it much either but I would have to guess it's because your fathers blonde hair and you mothers red hair mixing." I start walking out and Kakashi waves to them and joins me. When we get to the road he turns to me. "So where are you going?"

"To the store to get stuff for the next couple of days." He nods and hands me a pouch of ryo. When I go to look at him he's already gone. I walk to the store and while I'm in there I see a girl with pink hair trying to reach something on a shelf, so I walk over grab it and hand it to her. "Here."

"Thanks." She looks at me and I feel knots in my stomach. "I'm Sakura."

"I-I'm Haruto." We get what we need and I walk with her and talk to her. "So you're part of the Haruno clan? I'm a Namikaze."

"Woah like the fourth hokage?!" I smile nervously and nod. She stops at a house and looks at me. "Well, it was nice meeting you."

"Yeah, you too Sakura." We part ways and when I get back to the apartment I fall back on the couch after I put the groceries down. "I LOVE THIS VILLAGE!"

"Why what happened?" I look at Naruto in a way to where he knows just enough. "Oh did you meet a girl?!"

"Yeah she's amazing." After a few minutes we get a knock on the door, so I answer it. "Oh hey, Kakashi."

"Do you want to take to chunin exams?" I look at him confused because I didn't even go through the academy. "I can recommend you. The Third Hokage said he will make an exception for you."

"Yeah I guess." Kakashi walks me outside and flips my eyepatch up. He does some hand signs flips it down and sends me inside. "Well I guess I'm participating in the chunin exams."

"Alright so are we!" I look at both of them and I run to the kitchen. "What are you doing?"

"Making dinner." I see Naruto and Aika look at each other and Naruto sits on the couch next to her. I grab a box of Pocky and dump in in a bowl. I start smashing it up into little chunks and I see Aika get a little upset I'm smashing her Pocky. I put a little salt on the Pocky then dump it on some semi cooked eggs. I turn it into an omelette and I roll it up on a small stick of cheese. I dip it in a little bit of lemon water then roll it in bread crumbs. I repeat it two more time then I start boiling some oil. I drop the egg rolls in the oil deep frying them. After two minutes I walk out and hand the a plate each. "There you go."

Naruto takes a bite and his eyes get wide. "This is surprisingly good. Not as good as Ichiraku's but its good." He gets all gitty and looks at me. "I need to take you both there at some point! They have the best ramen! BELIEVE IT!"

"Naruto." He looks at me and I stare him dead in the eyes. "I have heard some annoying stuff. But you screaming believe it after every sentence, takes the cake."

I realize Aika still hasn't touched her food yet. Could it be because she may still not trust me? I don't blame her, it would be a lot to just ask for her trust after just showing up and claiming to be her older brother. Especially when I could have been using a Genjutsu on Kakashi.

"Hey Aika, I'm not going to hurt you. I know it will take some time for you to trust me, but as your older brother I care about you." I see her take a bite and she shrugs. "I'm guessing you don't like it."

"No, I do. Pocky is just better." Before she can say anything else theres a knock at the door. I open the door cautiously and Kakashi is there.

"Haruto, I want to train you a little bit tomorrow for the chunin exams." I nod and look at the others to let them know I won't be here tomorrow. "That was it I'll be going now."

Before I could say anything he poofs into smoke. I turn around and sit across from them. "I want to tell you guys everything about what I experienced when I was away from the village." I tell them everything except for what happened with our parents. "And Thats everything."

"Oh wow." Naruto seems surprised about how much I went through. We start getting ready for bed and Naruto throws me a blanket and a pillow. "Sorry we have nowhere for you to sleep except the couch."

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