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Haruto's POV

I seem to be getting a call so I pick it up.

~Haruto its Naruto.

~Yeah I know. I have you contact saved. What's up?

~We have a development in the mission.

~Whats the development?

~ He supposedly has a kid with him. He's trying to manipulate like Obito.

~Rodger that.

I hang up and look at them. "We have a new development. We now have a time limit."

"How long?"

"Depends how long he can hold out." As I say that Sasuke teleports in with someone with blonde hair, a pinkish mark on his face and green clothing. "Who's this?"

"He was in Madaras cave. Also Its not even Madara, I took him out already."

"Good. Actually thank god it wasn't Madara. Hey whats your name kid?"

"K-Kagura......I'm from the Hidden Mist."

"Wait! Kagura?! Like Cry Baby Kagura?!"


"It is you! Haha! I'll tell you what come back to the village we'll get you a note from Naruto and he'll get you free passage home."

"Alright." I throw him on my back because he still seems a bit shaken up and we get back to the village. I got to Naruto's office set Kagura down.

"Lord Seventh." I get down on one knee and look towards the ground.

"Cut the formal crap! IM YOUR YOUNGER BROTHER STUPID! But whats up?"

I get up and look at Kagura. "Naruto, Madara luckily end up being a fake and this was who was there with him. You'll never guess who he is."

"Huh? Who is he?"

"Little Cry Baby Kagura."

"AH! HEY KAGURA! Long time no see huh? I'm guessing he need passage back to the mist?"


"Alright." He writes up a letter and hands it to Kagura. We start walking out and Naruto stops me. "Shikamaru show him around a bit. Kagura you're welcome to stay as long as you like. But Haruto I need to speak with you.......about a few things."

"Alright. See ya later Kagura." As the leave Naruto looks at me.

"First thing, thanks for the report. Secondly, WHY DO YOU KEEP BEING SO FORMAL WITH ME?!"

"Because I know I'll get this reaction from my little brother. Anything else?"

"Yeah the graduation ceremony was finished a bit ago, its tome to divide the students into teams."

"Got it, I'll be on my way to the academy after we're done here. Anything else?"

"Nope thats it." I nod and walk out I get to the academy and Shino starts pulling me to the room.

"You're late Haruto."

"I know. I was giving my report on the last mission to Naruto." We get in the room and I see all the graduates.

"When I call your name please go to the room with you squad number! Denki, Iwabe, Metal! Team ten!" He goes through them all and theres only four left. "Boruto, Mitsuki, Mito, and Sarada! Team seven!"

He tells us to go to our teams and I reach the door labeled Team Seven. "Oh boy....."

I open the door and a dusty chalkboard eraser falls towards me from above. I catch it and throw it. It hits Boruto straight in the forehead and he hits the ground. "THAT HURT UNCLE HARUTO!"

"Then don't be stupid. Your father already gave me permission to punish you as I see fit! Anyway Naruto sent me a message on the way here we got a mission. We leave tomorrow and details will be given tomorrow. Dismissed." We all start heading home and I walk into the house. "I'm home."

"Hey dear. Dinners almost ready."

"I can tell, it smells good in here."


"Oh hey there Hashi! I keep forgetting how big you've gotten. Oh Sakura-hun, I hope you've been taking Tsunades advice."

"I have don't worry." Of course I'm going to worry about my wife. Especially since well.......she's got the third child on the way. "Ok its done."

We sit down and Mito comes in. "Hey Mito dinner."

"Coming mom!" She sits down and Sakura looks at her.

"So how's your squad placement?"

"Could be better, they paired me with Sarada which is fine but they also paired me with Boruto! And the captain is dad! That's so awkward!"

"Well how do you feel about having a mission tomorrow?"

"I don't know. I just hope Boruto can keep up."

"If he's anything like his too." We all finish eating and Mito starts towards her room.

"I'm going to sleep so I have the energy for the mission tomorrow." Hashi yawns and he runs to his room as well.

"Well just us down here now."

"How do you think she'll do?"

"Honestly I don't know. As long as she has this silly obsession against Boruto, she'll never reach her potential. Maybe not even awaken her possible rinnegan."

"Yeah. But it's a simple mission right?"

"Just a few bandits thats all. Like probably four at most."


"You don't need to worry about her I'll be there remember?"

"Thats why I'm worried. Because I know you. And I have for like eighteen years now. You won't go easy on her."

"Of course not, I'm not going easy on Boruto or Sarada either. I'm going to treat them as if they are just in my squad and that's it."

"She's still young."

"I have to do what needs to be done to keep them from getting killed out there. Especially the three of them."

"You say that like those aren't the only three in your squad."

"I also have Mitsuki. Its a five man. Its a little unconventional but Naruto said I can handle it. And he's probably right." I get up kiss her on the cheek and walk to bed. "Love you Sakura."

"You too."

Sakura's POV

He's right he needs to be tough on her to keep her alive but........ I just hope he won't get carried away. He's done it with his past few squads.......I start heading to bed and he's already asleep. I lay down and he immediately puts his arms around me. In the morning I wake up and he's already gone.

Haruto's POV

I get to the site we're meeting at and Boruto shows up late. "Sorry Uncle Haruto."


"Himawari made breakfast today and she wanted me to eat it before I left."

"Luckily for you I'm your captain. Just remember this though, that kind of excuse won't always fly. Now as for the briefing. We will be going after some bandits. I know what you're all capable of especially Mitsuki. Or what he's most likely capable of, do to his lineage. So I got us a C Rank mission." We head out and we get to the spot.

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