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Haruto's POV

After a couple day every meets at the spot I've chosen for the training session. "Alright it's time for my favorite day. Critique day. I'll start with you Boruto."

"Why me!"

"Because you have more than the rest. For example you're too hotheaded, it can be a good thing just use it to your advantage. You need to learn to listen. And stop pulling your squad into your ideas that may or may not work. Expanding on the previous one, you need to think things through more. Sarada."

"Yes, uncle Haruto?"

"Not much for you actually. Just learn to get better control over your Sharingon and listen to your squad mares a little more. Mitsuki. Don't be afraid to go all out when it's needed. I could tell you were holding back a lot against the Byakugan user. Mito."

"Oh boy."

"You need to respect your squad mates as equals even Boruto. And same as Sarada, listen to them more. Next we will use these."


"Special paper." I hand them each a piece and I hold one up and it starts glowing. "This will tell me your base chakra natures. Put a little chakra into it and it'll tell you."

I see Sarada do it and hers turns to ash, Boruto's crinkles, so does Mutsuki's and Mito's rips in half. "WOAH! THATS COOL! What does it mean?"

"Boruto and Mitsuki, you have lightning chakra, Sarada as expected from your parents both having fire chakra yours is as such. And Mito, you take after your grandfather and uncle, yours is wind."

"So what does that mean for us?"

"Something for tomorrow. I will be calling one of you out here tomorrow to teach you a little more about your chakra natures. You can talk to your parents about it as well. Boruto I would suggest talking to Kakashi same with you Mitsuki. Mito either your grandfather or Naruto. Because all though I have mastered them all, they are able to help more."


"I have the same as your mother Boruto. Ask her. Oh also theres a thing called summoning jutsu. You can summon a lot of things. Naruto has toads, Sakura has slugs, Sasuke has snakes, Kakashi has ninja hounds, the third hokage had monkeys and personally I have dragons."

"DRAGONS THATS SO COOL! So much cooler than my dad's toads."

"Hehe." I text Naruto and he sends a shadow clone. "Show them Gamakichi."

"So you're teaching them about summoning jutsu?"

"Just showing them a few things."

"Alright." He summons him and everyones in awe. "This is Gamakichi. He may seem intimidating but he's not aggressive, unless you tick him off."

"Right on Naruto!"

"Now I have a question. What type of ninja do you guys wanna be? Combat, Medical or Espionage? Boruto you first."

"Which ever one I can summon stuff with!"

"Summoning depends on your style, some are for medical, some are for combat, and so on."

" that case combat!"

"Which type? Ranged or attack?"

"Attack duh."

"Alright, Sarada?"

"I was thinking medical."

"Good choice. Mitsuki?"

"I feel that with I already know I'm best suited for espionage."

"You're not wrong. But you can always learn new things and be whatever it is you want."

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