Smugglers In Konaha?

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Haruto's POV

I get to Naruto's house and knock. "Yeah what is it uncle Haruto?"

"We have a new mission Boruto." He seems to get excited and starts getting ready. "Meet us at the front gate."

I send a text to Mito and head to Aika's. When I get there I knock. "Twice in one day? Are you feeling ok?"

"I need Sarada, we have a mission." She nods and starts to go back in to get her. "Tell her to meet at the front gate."

"Got it." I get to the gate and Mito, Mitsuki, Sarada and Boruto are already there.

"Your late Uncle."

"Actually I wasn't I scooted out the area. We aren't leaving the village, its a mission for right here at the gate. There's possible smugglers."

"Smugglers?! Oh crap! What does that mean?"

"Just ask instead of doing that Boruto. Or another team leader may get annoyed. But to answer your question, smugglers usually means there's something dangerous or illegal entering the village." As I say that someone starts walking in and they have a bag. "Excuse me ma'am. I need to such your bag. Hokage's orders."

I look through it and there's just books. I start flipping through them and they aren't fake. "They're just books......"

"Mito I was checking to see if they were real or fake." I put everything back in the bag and hand it to her. "You're free to go in ma'am."

She walks in and then there's someone else. "I got this one."

"Be gentle about it Boruto." He goes up and all seems good then the guy pulls a kunai on Boruto. I clash one of mine with his and he seems annoyed. "Whats in the bag Boruto?"


"What is it?!"

"I-It's a drug." I make the man stumble bag and I grab it out.

"This is a drug that enhances your chakra levels but the draw backs........they aren't worth it." I pin the guy to the wall and four other guys drop in. "Hope you guys are ready for a fight."

"Lets do this!" I seal the one guy's wrists together and join the squad. "Since when could you use sealing jutsu?"

"Yeah uncle Haruto. I agree with Boruto..........for once."

"Later! Rinnegan! Four tomoe!" I start checking their chakra levels and.........these guys are insane! They have a similar amount of chakra as a tailed beast! This may not even be worth the fight. I write something on a piece of paper and hand it to Mito. "Deliver this to Naruto. Quick!"

She runs off and about twenty minutes later Kiba, Lee and Temari drop down beside me. "So whats up? Naruto just said meet you at the gate."

"Mitsuki, Boruto, Sarada! Stand back and let us handle this. Got it?" They all nod and back up. "We have to take these guys down but don't take the village with them. Also they have tailed beast levels of chakra."

"What! That's impossible!"

"I know. It could be from their drug." I run in at one and he just kicks me through a wall. Damn strong too! I run out of the gate and as expected one follows me. Strong and a lot of chakra but not too bright. I turn around and stare him down.

"So you think you can take me alone? HA! MY POWER IS ON THE LEVEL OF A TAILED BEAST!"

"Listen, that doesn't mean a thing." I release a little of my chakra and he hits the ground terrified. "Do you understand now? Your line of thinking is flawed. The amount of chakra doesn't make the shinobi. Its how you use it. In my case I use it strategically, in order to protect the ones I care about. And the chakra I showed you wasn't even mine."

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