Haruto vs Orochimaru

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Haruto's POV

He hits me so hard I hit the ground. He comes in to...........bite my neck?! Is he a vampire? I kick him in the stomach and he stumbles back. I stand up and grab my dads kunai. I throw it and he ducks under it. Perfect. "You little brat!"


I slam the Resangan in his back and he turns into a piece of wood. He attempts to hit my back with a fireball. "A shadow clone huh? You tricky bastard!"

I throw my headband and as soon as he hit it out of the way I hit him in the face with a Resangan. I bring him to the ground and he turns out to be a shadow clone himself. "What?!"

"You didn't think you were the only one who can make them did you?!" He hits me and I almost fly off the building. I do a bunch of hand signs and bite my thumb. "Ah. A summoning jutsu!"

"Summoning Jutsu!" A dragon apears behind me and I smile. "Alright gramps lets do this."

"You got it kid!" We both attack Orochimaru at the same time and we manage to accidentally kill him. "Oops."

He craws out of his mouth like he's shedding skin and looks at me. "You're good young Namikaze! But I'll be back for you another time!"

He manages to sneak up behind me and bite my neck. He jolts back and he looks scared. "What was that for?!"

"What the hell was that! Was that your Three Tails?" He smirks and then knocks me out by slamming me on the ground. I hear a girl scream and I'm in my mind scape. RIN! I start running and she looks hurt.

"The Three Tails took over......" Great, now I have to deal with this?! I run into the furthest room and see him there.

"It's about time I talked with you." He looks at me and he looks mad. "You've been here for years..........inside my body. And I'm tired of this."

"Likewise, I want to be free."

"No not that." He looks at me and I look at him in a serious manner. "I'm tired of referring to you as the Three Tails. Is there another name I can call you?"

"My name is Isobu."

"Isobu..........I like the ring to it." I smile at him and sit down next to him. I laugh a little bit and he looks confused. I stop laughing but I'm still smiling and I hold my fist out to him. "Friends?"

"You really want to be friends with a tailed beast? Aren't you scared of me?"

"Nope." I look at him with a blank expression and lean back on my hands a little bit. "Why would I be? You seem cool."

"Humans can't be friends with us anyway. We're monst........"

"Don't. Your not a monster. You haven't done anything wrong. Anyway you are in my body which makes you just as much a Hidden Leaf Shinobi as I am." I stand up and hug his leg. He looks really confused and I look up at him and smile. "I guess we'll have to be the first! Because I'm not going to give up on making you my friend!"

"Humph. Well I don't think so. It's just weird."

"Ok." I let go of his leg and look at his eyes again. "Well I have a question. How did you tailed beasts come into this world anyway?"

"Well that's a long story. This tale......"

"Ha! Good pun!"

"No interruptions! It begins at the beginning of time.............. We were created by a man by the name of Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki. Or you may better know him as The Sage of Six Paths. He made us all from his own chakra, we were part of him and he was part of us. And when he died he told us that there would be one man who brings the our worlds together. For years I traveled alone then I was in slaved and sent after your village. Then a brave Shinobi that you remind me of trapped me here. The name of that Shinobi was Minato N......."

"Namikaze.........dad." He looks at me and I knew he was upset Minato was my dad. "But never mind my dad. I'll be the one to bring our worlds together."

He holds out his fist. "Alright. You said you wanted to be friends. So we're friends now. But you need to go and finish this fight."

"Right. Rin I'll be back soon I promise!" I get back to the normal world and catch Orochimaru's attack. "I'm not the same kid anymore........"

"It's been five minutes! How different can you possibly be?!"

"I made a new friend and I made a promise!" I look at Orochimaru in the eye and he can tell I'm serious. "That I'm going to bring our worlds together. AND IM NOT DYING TILL I DO THAT!"

"We'll see about that!" Orochimaru rushes me and I rush him back. "You're such a stupid kid!"

Once I get to point blank range I start the hand signs. "BLACK FLAME FIREBALL JUTSU!" It seems to hit but he appears behind me. I look where he was previously and theres just a brick. "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

I do about a hundred thousand Shadow Clones and Orochimaru isn't slowing down on his way to me. "I know which one is the real one!"

"I know." He looks surprised when I smile because he didn't expect me to actually have a plan. "DUAL RESANGANS!"

Me and all my Shadow Clones do dual Resangans and we all hit him in unison. "Agh!" When he hits the ground he stands back up and smiles. "Now let go all out."

All out? Great. He rushes at a such a speed my eyes can't keep up he hits me hard and I fall off the building. I get caught by someone and when I look it's Kakashi. "Jiraiya's got this."

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