Haruto vs Zetsu

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Haruto's POV

It's been a while since Naruto beat Pain and I went out to the hidden Rain to get my old stuff from my old house and I see to people fighting on a rock. I look closer and see who they are. I throw my kunai and teleport just in time to kick Zetsu's hand away from killing Konan. "You ok Konan?"

"Yeah." Zetsu jumps back and phases through the ground. Konan looks kinda scared and at that moment I knew he didn't retreat. A black hand comes out of the ground right underneath me so I grab Konan and jump out of the way. I land and I set Konan down and Resangan the hand. My hand goes into the ground and I pull Zetsu out of it.

"Get out here!" I see a big frog in the distance climb out of the water and my dad land next to it. I see him release the summoning jutsu and Jiraiya is laying there barely alive. I attack Zetsu and he splits in two. A black and White Zetsu. My dad drops next to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm here to help."

"Who's that?"

"This is my dad, Konan. The Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze." I see her eyes get wide and my dad and me nod at each other. We throw our kunai in unison and we both pull of dads flying rajin move and slam the Zetsus into the ground. The Zetsus phase into the ground and come out as one in front of us.

"Two on one? This isn't fair."

"Don't act like we already forgot you can split into two!" He snaps and some fish dude comes out of the water.

"Kisame...........lets take them out."

"But we need the Jinchuuriki of the three tails. So we can't kill him Zetsu."

"Right I forgot because he pissed me off."

"Its not like you to get pissed off this easily in battle, he must've don.........."

"Dad I got Zetsu, can you handle the fish guy?" I look at him and he nods. We both rush them and my dad follows him into the water and I make a clean hit. "Don't touch my friends!"

He hits the ground and he splits in two. "WATCH OUT HARUTO!" I make a shadow clone and I hit White Zetsu with dual Resangans and he's out. I look at Black Zetsu and I hit him with a Ying Yang Resangan. "I SAID WATCH OUT!"

He absorbs it and I jump back. "I bet that would have hurt!" He launches it back at me and I get hit by it.

"Haruto he is quite literally made of Chakra. Like he isn't even human, he's one hundred percent Chakra." Good to know that jutsus won't work on him.

"Alright thanks Konan. I have a plan now that I know that." I stand up and rush him and he just smirks.

"Haven't you learned your lesson yet?" I punch him and my hand starts burning a little bit. I push through it and I send him flying. I teleport behind him and hit him with a Resangan. "You are really stupid aren't you?!"

As he says that the Resangan explodes. "Explosion chakra is different you moron!" I land on the ground and turn to him. As soon as I turned he was right in my face already.

"YOUVE REALLY PISSED ME OFF NOW!" I jump back and in the process of doing so I kicked him in the chin.

Jiraiya's POV

I'm not dead? I open my eyes and I see someone fighting an Akatski member. Minato? No.........Haruto, he's fighting Zetsu. With Konan behind him? "I WONT LET YOU TOUCH HER ZETSU!"

Haruto slams a Resangan into the ground and starts...........kicking rocks at him?? Then theres a big wave and it's another Akatski member! Wait he's in the middle of combat.........then someone jumps out after him..............it's Minato?!

Haruto's POV

I hit Zetsu with a rock and he slides back. I kick another rock and he knocks it out of the way and slams me into the ground. "The same tricks won't work on me more than once kid! Wait........WHAT?!"

I appear behind him and the other one vanishes as a shadow clone. I hit him with another Resangan and he decides not to absorb it because it my be another explosive one. I slam him into the ground with it and he's out. I fall to my knees and I'm out of Chakra. "You ok, Haruto?"

"Yeah just out of Chakra." My dad is right next to me and he looks at Konan and notices the Akatski robes. I grab his shoulder so he doesn't do anything and I smile at him. "She's a friend, don't worry."

"Alright bring her to the village and if something happens since you told me she's a friend, it'll be on you." I nod and we start walking into the hidden rain towards my old house.

Aikas POV

I get called into the bosses room and when I go in he looks at me and I go down on one knee. "Something happened in the hidden rain. Zetsu almost died same with Kisame. I need you to check it out."

I nod and with that I'm off to the hidden rain.

Haruto's POV
A few hours of grabbing stuff pass and I start walking out. Aika is standing against the wall right outside and she looks at me from the corner of her eye. "It was you wasn't it?"

"You will need to be more specific sis."

"You almost took out Zetsu and Kisame."

"And if I did?"

"I will have to bring you down."

"You can't and you know it." She disappears and I keep walking forward. I get back to the leaf and Konan is behind me. The guards try to attack her but I stop them without a word.

"You can't bring an Akatski member in here!"

"Don't worry a high ranking official gave me permission."


"Me." My dad drops down and the guards look surprised. "You really thought I died forever?"

"That is what died means dad."

"Oh right." He scratches the back of his head and chuckles a little bit.

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