Attack on the Leaf

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Haruto's POV

All the genin get ushered out and we are being brought to a safe spot when I see something. I do a full flip over the Chunin and run into an allyway. Theres a scared little boy and I slowly approach him. "Hey, I'm not the enemy."

As soon as I say that a couple hidden sound ninja come out of nowhere and throw kunia at him. I jump in the way and them all in the back. "Are you stupid kid?!"

"Shut up!" I turn to them and they smirk because I look mad. Am I mad? Oh yeah. "How could you attack such an innocent young boy! He's done nothing wrong!"

"Yeah he's stupid, Shigaraki!" I throw my kunai and it misses. "Oh yeah definitely stupid."

I teleport to it and kick one of them in the back and hit the other with a Resangan. "Who are you?!"

"My name is Haruto Namikaze! Son of Minato Namikaze! The Fourth Hokage!" They look terrified.

"Shit!" They start running and I go back up to the kid.

"I'm not saying thank you."

"I didn't expect one anyway." I smile at him and ruffle her hair a little bit well the tuff out of the top of his helmet anyway. She holds out a headband. "What's this?"

"This is a headband my uncle gave me........" He grabs my hand and puts the headband in it. "Take it. You deserve it."

"What's your name anyway?"

"You can call me what everyone else does. The Honorable Grandson."

"Alright but what's you real name?" He looks at me and he smiles a little bit.

"Konohamaru." Konohamaru huh? "Why are you smiling like that?"

"I'm going to remember the name, Konohamaru. And not as some kid I saved but as a friend." He looks at me surprised and I just turn and smile at him again. "Now go towards the Hokage mansion and you should find the EVAC squad."

He nods and runs off. A few more ninja surround me and I flip over one. As I'm in the air I catch the headband on them eyes and pull them too the ground. They rush me and then a guy with really bushy eyebrows and a green Jumpsuit jumps down and take them out. "It's ok, I took them out! Did you see that Kakashi? I'm at forty eight takedowns!"

"Who's counting Gai?" He looks into the distance and right before he jumps off Kakashi something again. "But I'm at seventy."

Wow, is everything a competition with them. "You should get back to the evaluation spot."

"I can handle myself! And anyway.......I have questions for Orochimaru." They jump off after Kakashi waves him on.  I start running and I see a big cage with a forest in it on top of where the Hokage was sitting. I start running in that direction because...............that's where he is. Orochimaru...........

I get over there but by the time I get up there Orochimaru is gone and Lord Third is dead. I look around and see him on a roof top. I sprint over to him and he's just sitting there. "I imagine you have questions..........well so do I. So we will take turns. Me first. Why did you stop killing me as soon as Itachi told you told you to stop?"

"I realized he was right. It wasn't worth it." I look down, I see him stand up and turn to me. "My turn. Why did you kidnap me all those years ago?"

"Ah a fine question. Do you know what you chakra nature is?"

"Yin. Why?"

"Incorrect, I took you because of your chakra. Only one person at a time is born with your specific chakra nature. First it was Your mothers great great great great grandfather, then an Uchiha, then your father. Now's called The Tailed Beast Chakra Nature."

Jiraiya's POV

"Come on out Asuma. You too Gai." They jump dow. And look where I'm looking. "Don't intervene guys. I want to see where this goes."

"What if he attacks the poor kid?"

"He can handle it. He is Minatos son after all." Asuma really think I don't have a plan if something goes wrong?

Haruto's POV

"So thats why huh?" He smirks creepily at me and I look back at him. "So come and get it!"

I get in a fighting stance and get ready for a fight.

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