Training! Aika's Kekkei Genkai!

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Haruto's POV

We get to her spot and its somewhat in the woods with three logs sticking out of the ground. "Oh wow this is perfect." I set the scroll down and look at it and it tells almost every detail about it. "Interesting."


"It's saying almost everything about you Kekkei Genkai."


"Yeah. We should get started."

"Yeah. Thank you for helping me with this."

"You don't need to thank me Ai, you're my little sister I'd help you with anything if you need it."

As soon as I say that we see Naruto run by with Jiraiya. Following close behind them is a group of girls in towels. Of course Jiraiya tried to rope Naruto into it. "PERVY SAGE HOW IS THIS TRAINING!"

"Stamina Naruto!" Wow he really tried to incorporate that into training? But he has a point. I should train Aika in a little stamina to begin with.

"Thanks Master Jiraiya!" I wave him down and look back at Aika. "Ok lets stretch and go on a little bit of a run today's training."

She nods at me and starts stretching. "Ok, Master Haruto!"

"No. Don't call me Master, I'm just helping out my little sister nothing more."

"Oh ok."

"Alright ready?"

"Yeah!" We start running and about fifteen minutes in we run into Lee.

"I see you have accepted the springtime lotus!"

"No, just some simple stamina training to help Aika with her Kekkei Genkai."

"Oh sorry for drawing conclusions!"

"It's ok Lee. So are you also training?" What kind of question is that? Of course he is!

"No. I failed to complete six hundred push ups for Gai Sensei! So this is a punishment!" Six hundred really?! I would hate to fight him on a bad day. "Good luck with your training!"

"You too Lee!" We continue running and a half hour passed when we go back to the training site. We stopped jogging and walked when we needed to of course. "Good job Aika."

"Thanks Master!"

I flick her forehead. "I told you not to call me that."

"But you didn't have to flick me............meanie. Why don't you want me calling you that anyway?"

"Because I'm afraid you would look at me more like your master rather than your brother."

"Don't worry. You'll always be my big brother."

"Hey you two!" Choji came out of nowhere. Like really, he just popped into existence. "I heard you guys were training."

"Yeah just got back from a run."

"Oh perfect! Nobody else could go so do you guys want to go get something to eat?"

"Aika? It's your day you pick." She nods and we start walking with Choji to the restaurant. "So where are we going?"

"My favorite Barbecue place. Asuma Sensei takes the squad there every now and then. So what's next on your training schedule? Maybe I could help."

"Well we just got done with stamina and endurance. So I guess Tiajutsu."

"Yeah I can help with that. I mean only if you want me to!"

"Hey if you can help go for it I'm on board with it. Because I really don't want what I'm doing."

"Oh. I don't either but I guess we just fight."

"Probably but we won't be able to use ninjutsu or genjutsu." We eat and when we get back to the training area we discuss the next part with Aika. "Ok we will be training you in Taijutsu. We will just fight without ninjutsu or genjutsu."

She nods and both Choji and me rush her. She hits Choji in the gut and that takes my attention away from her..........and that was a mistake. I hit the ground and shes standing over me with her arm extended. "Oww. I can't believe she got us both!"

I just can't believe I looked away even when Obito taught me not to take my eyes off of the enemy. "I did it!"

"Good job, Aika. Now let me kick up the speed a little."

"We aren't using ninjutsu remember?"

"Who said anything about ninjutsu." I nod at Choji and we run at Aika. She blocks Cjoji and almost me but I use a little more of my natural speed get behind her and strike her to the ground.


"Sorry Aika." A week passes and she seemed to get a lot more control over her Kekkei Genkai.

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