Tsunade: The Fifth Hokage

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Haruto's POV

Sasuke leaves and Sakura runs around the corner. "Sasuke wait!"

"Sakura. Don't. It's his choice." She looks at me kinda mad that I'm just letting Sasuke go. I turn to her and look her in the eyes. "But he's still a Hidden Leaf Shinobi, our friend and our comrade. So we will find him and do our best to bring him home whenever he's ready."

I see Jiraiya and Naruto walking towards the gate and I fun into town again. I see Konohamaru sitting on a bench. So I run up to him.

"Hey, Konohamaru. Are you ok?"

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be."

"Konohamaru, it's ok if you cry."

"Why would I cry over that stupid old man?!"

"You think your being strong right now. Don't you?" He turns away and I put my hand on his shoulder. "But being strong isn't having the strength to hold back tears, but instead it's when you aren't afraid to let them out. That's when you're being strong."

He turns and hugs me and I hear him crying a little bit. "Why did he have to fight him and die?!"

"He was probably thinking about protecting the people he cares about." I look into the sky and I smile a little bit. "Thinking about protecting you. Konohamaru."

"But why die for a kid!"

"Because he cared about you and he had the strength not many people have. To fight for his friends and family no matter the cost. Because he had what Kakashi Sensei once talked to me about, the Will of Fire."

I fall over passed out and I wake up in the hospital. And I see Aika and Naruto walk in. "Naruto? When did you get back? And how long was I out?"

"I got back about a couple days ago with the new Hokage! And you were out for about......"

"A week and a half." Wait I know that voice.....oh no. I get hit in the head and when I turn it's exactly who I thought, Tsunade. "Kakashi told me what happened. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING FIGHTING OROCHIMARU ALONE?!"

"Well I....." She looks at me only inches from my face and she's really upset. "I was thinking I had to protect Naruto, Aika and Konohamaru. And I didn't really care if I got hurt or not as long as....."

"You idiot. I didn't visit and help take care of you for thirteen years for you do do this." She sits in the chair next to the bed and looks at me relieved. "But at least you aren't dead. Anyway that was really stupid. You had internal bleeding not to mention you were poisoned, had several broken ribs along with your shoulder being dislocated."

She ruffles my hair and smiles a little bit. "Sorry......."

"Its not your fault. You did inherit your father's determination and based off of what Kakashi said, your mother's temper as well." She looks up and then back at me. "But as the Hokage I need to make sure something like this never happens again."

"Wait......what?" What? Tsunade is the Hokage? Oh boy. "You're the Hokage? I don't think thats such a good idea."

"Why not." She looks at me and its like a shadow fell over her eyes. "Is it because I'm the first female Hokage?"

"What no! Its just because you well you know." I bet you can tell why I'm nervous about this whole situation. "It's just because of your gambling habit and your drinking problem. That's all."

"Whatever. Maybe you should be Hokage instead!"

"Haha. I'm too young." Me Hokage? Ha! It's too much work to do. "Anyway it doesn't interest me much. I could care less who's Hokage, as long as they're a good Hokage."

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm alright Aika." I look at her and smile. Naruto hits me and he looks mad. "What was that for?!"

"Did you do that to try and steal Sakura from me!" Tsunade hit Naruto into the ground and I see Aika chuckle a little. "What was that for, Granny Tsunade?!"

"Don't hit my patient while he's injured or I will make you my next patient!"


"I'm not mad that you fought him to protect your siblings Haruto. Its the fact you did so while your ribs were broke and your shoulder was dislocated!"

"Really, I didn't even notice." She looks at me and kind of chuckles a bit. "What?"

"You really are Minato's son aren't you?" I actually did notice I was in pain the whole fight. "I can't tell you were trying to mess with me. Thats why I said that. Minato always said that stuff in order to not worry me or Kushina. Especially Kushina."

"Hehe." I rub the back of my head nervously and she hugs me. "Hey! What's up with this?"

"I'm just glad you're ok, is all." I hug her back and bury my face in her shoulder. "And I'm happy to see you again."

"Me too." We let off and I see Sakura in the doorway. "Hey Sakura!"

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I smile and put my hands behind my head against the wall behind the bed. "Honestly everyone just overreacted."

Tsunade hits me again and it looks like she's pissed. "I swear, if you don't stop playing this off like this I will kill you myself!" She turns to Sakura and calms down a little bit. "But we weren't even saying the worst of it. He had quite the burns. I've never see any like it before."

Tsunade ruffles my hair and walks out. "Naruto, Aika. Can I speak with Haruto alone for a minute?"

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