The Chunin Exams: Neji vs. Haruto

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Haruto's POV

"I......" As I try and tell her I pass out from the pain of most my body having been broken. The next thing I knew I was in the hospital. Naruto and Aika walk in and Aika looks a little beat up. "What happened?"

"She lost to Gaara in the exam." Ah, he must be a little upset about what happened.  I don't blame him though, he worked up to being a Genin and to lose to someone without a ninja rank has to be tough. Kakashi runs in and looks at me.

"Because of your Tailed Beast you heal quicker than anyone else. And so you have been discharged to do the next part of your exam." I nod and get up. When we get there I see Neji down in the fighting area. "There's your opponent."

Great I have to fight Neji huh? Alright. I get in the ring and as soon as they start I move so fast Neji has no time to react. I make a clean hit on him and he activates his Byakugan. I lunge at him and hit him at least thirty times and he blocks them all. Ok so three hundred sixty degree sight. But what if I were to take away his sight. I jump at him with a Resangan and hit the ground in front of him, throwing up enough rubble to create a smoke screen.

I see what seems like an opening and he hits me so hard in the stomach I hit the wall. "Taking away my normal sight does nothing I can see your chakra points." So thats how that works then. Alright. I take off my eyepatch and open my Rinnegan. He can't see my chakra points if he can't keep up. I move at a greater speed than before and hit him with a Resangan in the back. I flip and let him see me when I do some signs I shoot the Black Flame Fireball. I see he's barely able to dodge it so I take the chance and go at him with a Chidori this time. He counters and hits my shoulder with a Gentle Fist, I fly back and slide on the ground.

"Come on Haruto! You got this!" Great now my siblings are cheering me on. I mean thats not a bad thing it's just distracting. "Big brother Haruto! Kick his ass!" So, Aika finally accepted it? "Also you can't mess with his eyes! He's a Byakugan master!"

Great so how am I going to do this. Can't use ninja tools, so Flying Thunder God is out of the question. What if I'm thinking about this the wrong way. I'm trying to be so fast that he can't see me but what if I need be slow enou.........ahhh! He got me again! I slide even further and hit the wall. I stand up and run at normal speed towards him and I throw a punch so fast it's pushing my physical limits. He thinks he blocked it but I felt it.........a direct hit. Neji slides back a little bit. "Impressive you got past my Byakugan. Now I know why you wanted to take on the Shakaku alone."

Damn it, barely any damage! Well let's try again, I rush him but this time he keeps up and actually blocks it. At the same time I swing my foot and almost kick him. Well I guess it's time. I throw hand signs and launch a Black Flame Fireball at him. In the heat Neji didn't see that I made a shadow clone. Thanks for that one Naruto! He attacks my shadow clone and stands over him thinking he won. And deactivates his Byakugan. I use my speed to get up close behind him and I do some hand signs. "Straight from the teachings of Kakashi! One Thousand Years Of Death!"

I land the attack and he get put in the air. Lets see him dodge an attack mid air. I send a fireball and he does substitution jutsu. Just as I predicted, he hits me with a powerful shot and just before he gets to reactivate his Byakugan he gets hit with a Resangan. Making him loose. "Round over Haruto wins! Barely, but he wins!"

I look up in the stands and smile as I extend my pointer, middle and thumb. I put my hand out and everyone slowly starts clapping. "I knew you could do it!" Naruto always has so much faith in everyone. After all that I'm walking down the street to get some groceries for the house and I overhear a conversation.

"Kakashi, I see why you said you believed in him. And why you had me make an exception for him."

"Yeah, as Minato Sensei's son I had high expectations but that was beyond even me."

"Hmmm, he is interesting alright." I walk to the store and see Ino.

I start getting ingredients and Ino approaches me. "I heard you took out the Shakaku alone! How did it even get out?"

"Well, Sakura told me they attacked Gaara and his team, to get his Earth scroll. Naruto and them were winning and Gaara got mad, Shakaku got out and you know the rest." She nods then tums off with her groceries to the register. After about ten minutes I get to the register and pay. As I'm walking out I see a group of girls in a circle beating up someone. And theres only one person I know who can draw that big of a crowd of angry females....... Master Jiraiya.

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