Mission In The Mist

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Haruto's POV

We get off the ship and someone is waiting for us. "Hey guys Naruto let us know you were coming."

"Hehe. Hey Mei, long time no see huh?"

"Fifteen years to be exact."

"Yeah. So quite a while. But its good to see you again." We start walking and she looks at me. "Whats up?"

"This is a highly ranked mission, are you sure bringing kids was the best idea?"

"Naruto Specifically said to bring them. Not to mention I'm the one he sends all the promising Genin to."

"Alright if you say so." We get to Chojuros office and we walk in.

"Hey guys! Been a bit since I've seen you four. And you Haruto its been years. But anyway the mission. We have a problem with an old opponent of the Leaf."


"A member of the Akatski, his name i........"

"The Akatski?!"

"Yeah. But as I was saying his name is Hidan. I'll let Haruto brief you on the details on him, he would know more than I would."

"Right." We walk out and I look at the four of them. "Ok, so Hidan. He worships a god name Jashin, don't let him ingest your blood or bad things will happen. If he does one of us will safely get you out of his circle. Also he's immortal, so the best we will be able to do is pretty much restrict his movements so he can't fight anymore. Any questions?"

"I have a lot........."

"Shoot Mito."

"You seemed to know the name Akatski do you have history with the.......I'm guessing group?"

"Yes actually. They were a group that hunted Jinchuuriki, like me and Naruto. They were really strong opponents and actually your aunt Konan was one of them Mito."

"Really?! That changes my outlook on her.........by a lot."

"Don't let it, she's a good person and a close enough friend of mine that I considered her your aunt. Oh actually talking about her reminds me. Mito how'd it go with that gu......."


"Alright alright. Lets move out though." We start running and I realize we don't have the location. "SHIT! Hold on guys."

I run back and when I get to his office I knock. "You can come in."

I walk in and look at him a bit embarrassed. "Sorry I forgot to ask. Where was he last sighted?"

I see him flip a coin to Mei and he laughs. "Off to the east in the woods."

"Alright. But what was that coin flip for?"

"Hehe. Chojuro and I made a bet. I said you'd remember you didn't have the location and he said you wouldn't." I shake my head in slight disappointment and run out. I get back to them and we head off........again. When we get there, its hard to miss. Its a giant burnt section of the woods.

"Woah what happened here?"

"Looks like fire style users tried to take him out. But theres no evidence that he was even here. Look around, find anything out of place. And if you do either bring it to me or call me over." We split up and we start looking around. After about an hour I'm ready to give up. "Dammit, its no use. There's nothing."

"UNCLE HARUTO! I THINK I FOUND SOMETHING!" I run over to were Sarada is and I see his necklace.

"Good find Sarada." I pick it up and start trying to find any left over chakra on it. "Got him! He's not too far from here."

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 19 ⏰

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