Chunin Exams: Naruto vs. Haruto

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Haruto's POV

"Oh! Aika lets get going for training!" We run out and when we are almost to the spot I look at her. "I want to teach you a jutsu."


"It's called Resangan. Dad invented it." I see her eyes get wide and we get to our usual training spot. "Ok. First things first. Power control. Move the shaving cream in here around without popping the ball. Like this."

I grab a ball and I make a bunch of spikes push on the end of the ball. "Woah!" I hand her a ball and she attempts but nothing happens.

"Put a little chakra in it." As Aika puts some chakra in it pops. "Too much. If it's too little nothing will happen, but if it's too much then it will pop as you just saw."

She nods in determination and I hand her another ball and I see a little spike come out. I smirk and she hits another spike. Gradually she gets more a hang of it. After about an hour I hear a pop. "Sorry too much I guess."

"Show me what you got." I hand her another one and she does the first part to this training perfectly. "Good. Now take this and use your chakra to spin the water."

She grabs it and attempts to do it. Hmm I don't hear the rotation. About another hour passes and I hear a pop. Wait a pop? She shouldn't pop it either way. "This is stupid.......what's this have to do with the Jutsu anyway?"

"More than you think." I grab a cream one and kneel in front of her. I make the spikes go out without the ball and she shrugs in annoyance. I grab a cup and pour water into it. I bring it in front to her and start rotating it.

"That didn't answer my question."

"Aika. Power control, plus rotation of your chakra creates this." I do a Resangan and hit a tree. Her eyes get wide and she tries again. "There you go."

I hear a little bit of slushing from the water and I stop her. "What?"

"Alright, Aika." I hand her another ball and I do something with one that I have. "Now do Resangan inside the ball. Fuse what I just taught you and do the Resangan. But it will take time to learn how to actually do it."

A few days pass and it's the day of the finals. We get there an my match is first. "First match Haruto Namikaze vs Naruto Uzimaki!"

We get out there and Naruto looks at me with slight hatred. "Naruto."

"Go!" He rushes me and hits me and I hit the wall.

"Naruto........listen to me." He grabs me and throws me into the ground. I stand up and look at him. "I guess there's nothing to talk about."

I rush him with a Resangan and the third Hokage looks suprised. Naruto gets around it and stabs me in the stomach. I poof away and I land in front of him. "You copied my Shadow Clone Jutsu?!"

"I needed to Naruto." He tries to throw a kunai and when it gets close it turns into one of his Shadow Clones. He attempts to tackle me and I move and get behind Naruto. "RESANGAN!"

I hit him in the back but the Resangan pops and Naruto goes flying. He stands up and looks pissed. "I don't know what to think of're my brother but I also kinda hate you."

"Naruto. You can't be Hokage if you can't beat me." Naruto looks up at me and looks mad. "So let me help you push your limits and become the best Hokage, Konaha has ever seen."

"Alright!" He runs at me and I simply hit him in the stomach. "Ugh!"

"Come on be more of a man, Naruto! They won't accept you as Hokage if you suck!" He backs up and throws about a hundred thousand Shadow Clones out. "There we go."

"Let's do this!" I uncover my Rinnegan and start fending them off. I get hit in the back and get sent flying. And before I land I get hit in the back. I finally hit the ground after about a full minute.

The ref came up and looked at me and looked up. "Thats the match Naruto Uzimaki wins!"

A few rounds pass and its Shikamaru's turn. Before the judge calls the match to begin we hear a big crash. I see a man with long black hair and really pale skin. "No..........he can't be here......"

"You know him?"

"Yeah, I do Naruto. His name is Orochimaru.......he's one of the three Sanin like Master Jiraiya."


"Not quite. He's actually said to be stronger."


"What Kakashi and me said is true." Naruto looks at me with disbelief. We see the third Hokage stand up and gets into a fighting stance.

"'s been a while."

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