021 - A New Prophecy

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Phoenix growled lowly, her claws digging into the snow. Her eyes became slits as she moved closer to the molly, pressing a paw against her chest. Her tail stood up and thrashed about in the air. "How can I believe you when all you've done is torment me?" Phoenix saw the guilt flicker in Heather's eyes; it was perfect. "I have never felt more rejected by my own family. You got up and left, abandoned Honey and I without telling a cat. What about Sol? Don't you care about us? Why are you here really?"

Heather didn't want to speak the truth but did anyway, "I was scared. I was scared of you." Her voice cracked as she looked down at her older sister in fear. "Our mother died, Lavender died and I know it was you. Angel told me. Snake said it would happen, it was all a part of his prophecies."

She moved her paw away and nodded slowly in understanding. She moved her gaze away from Heather and to Red, "would you like to explain yourself?"

"She's my friend. Besides, she already has a mate. What is it that you want?"

Phoenix shrugged. "Angel told me to come here, so I did."

Heather shook her head and sighed, "here I thought you were becoming a house cat, I wouldn't have gotten up if you weren't."

"Why's that?"

Heather turned around, heading towards the door. She glanced over at Phoenix and smiled, sadness hidden in her eyes. "I'm supposed to be having my kittens now." She didn't seem happy at all, laying down beside the door as she stretched out her body. Heather seemed dull and quiet, her ears low.

Moments of silence passed, these moments were cold and awkward. Phoenix looked up into the sky and sighed. Why did you make me come here, Angel? Was this a plan to break my heart? She closed her eyes, allowing the cold breeze to go right through her. She shivered, her fur standing up on their ends. She saw her mate shuffling towards her, pressing his pelt against hers. She closed her eyes, feeling at solace with the tom.

The silence was broken by a yowl.

Phoenix jolted away from Red and bounded into the house. She glanced down at Heather. Blood was spilled on the ground, all over her pelt. Phoenix saw how heavy her stomach rose and fell. Red ran to her side, looking down at Heather in horror. Phoenix prodded at Heather's face. "Heather, are you okay?" She asked in a panicked voice. Of course she's not okay, she's dying!

Heather looked up at Phoenix, giving her a small, pained smile. She dragged her tail towards the two cats, revealing a black tom. "T-The first o-one. The h-humans at the v-vet said there will b-be three."

Red looked around, "where's Mary?"

"Mary?" Phoenix echoed, "who's that?"

"Mary is our human-slave, she's who feeds us. She has another cat called Smoke but I don't know-"

"Did someone call me?" Out of the blue, a chunky, grey and white tom appeared, his green eyes shining as his yellow collar shone in the light. "Wa gwaan, Red, who is this lovely gyal you brought home?" He walked beside, Phoenix with a seductive smile. She lowered her ears and hissed at him threateningly, moving away from him. He chuckled, narrowing his eyes at Heather before jumping up in shock. "Jesus Christ, whap'm to you? You a'dead? You better not die, y'know."

Heather rolled her eyes, "yes because I'm just going to survive just because I feel like it."

Smokey laughed and leaned in to sniff her, " Thank the lord, she'll be okay. She'll only pass out but she ain't dead. Your momma about to be proud she ain't about to die."

Phoenix cringed. "You speak weird."

"What yuh ah say? Ah speak weird? Forest babies don't have no manners to their elders, do they?"

Phoenix rolled her eyes and focused her gaze towards her sister. Another kitten was born, this time it was a small, silver molly. Phoenix helped Heather drag it along for her to lick. Shortly after Phoenix and Smokey noticed her entire body tense and the last one appeared. It was a silver tom too.

Phoenix's eyes flickered between the kittens. She couldn't tell who the father was but her best bet was Smokey. Besides, she doesn't know any other cats whose fur was closest black. She watched as Smokey used his nose to nudge each kit. Her heart lurched when his eyes dilated and ears lowered.

Smokey straightened up, searching Heather's gaze. He sighed, "i'm very sorry, my dear." Smokey hushed her before she could say anything. Even he seemed heartbroken. "Only one of your pickney dem survived, coo deh."

All the cats glanced down to her daughter, who was scrambling towards the warmth of her mother. Heather sniffed, and Red gave her a comforting lick on her ear.

Phoenix sat down and drew her tail around her paws, "she looks healthy."

Red nodded in agreement, "she is."

Heather moved her daughter closer with her tail, a smile appearing on her face. She watched as the kitten latched onto her, and purred. She narrowed her eyes up to Phoenix. "Her name will be Frost, named after the winter. Could you bless her for me?"

The ginger molly gave her a small nod and leaned forward to press her nose against the kitten, "God shall live within you. May he light your path."

"God," Smokey mumbled. "You ting deh a God?" Phoenix looked at him and nodded, and he kissed his teeth. "Silly gyal."

"What do you know, old man?"

"Ah know deh will be five sent by this so-called 'God' you Forest-babies worship. A magic cat from heaven 'old me."

She stared at him, dumbfounded. "Let me get this straight. You saw a whole cat appear in front of you, then you would have had to check you weren't going crazy, then had a cat tell you about the future and still don't believe in God?"

"That's Smokey for you!" Red called out, earning him a glare from Smokey. 

Phoenix examined Smokey for a few seconds. His ears were long, gold earrings pierced into them. For a house cat, he was more bulky and muscular than fat. His paws and ears were white, and his fur was silky, long and matted. He wasn't at all attractive in any way.

Phoenix sighed and nodded, "so what's this prophecy then?"

"Five animals will rise to the living, an' bring peace." He began, staring into Phoenix's curious gaze. "One will spill blood of your blood, that's all ah know." 

Phoenix's heart stopped for a moment, "One will spill blood of your blood?" She echoed uncertainty. "Does that mean my blood?"

"I'm not sure, my darling but when they sent me there I saw something. It looked tough an' big but looked as fragile as ah feather." 

"Even I don't know what he's talking about," Phoenix heard Hawk say.

"How will I find out the answer to the prophecy?" She asked him.

"Wait for the full moon. After that point, pieces will come together."

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