She dropped her hand and stopped her make up.

"I love him." She smiled as she said to herself over and over.

She left Petra at Skye's since the date was gonna take most of her night and she didn't think it was safe to leave Petra all by herself in the hotel suite.

Her phone beeped as she put on a matte lipstick the last touch of her make up.

I'm down.

She smiled as she read. She dropped her lipstick in her small black purse,picked her phone and stared at herself in a full length mirror before leaving the room.

When she got down, she saw Travis talking to Ed. He was wearing a black dress pant and a well drycleaned blue shirt. She walked over to them putting on her best smile.

"You look Pretty." Eddy interrupted Travis.

"Thanks Eddy." He smiled and walked away.

"You look beautiful."Travis said pecking her cheek.

"You smell nice." They giggled

"Shall we?" Travis said pointing towards his car which was directly in front of the hotel door.

"We shall." He took her hand and walked her to his car.

Amalie rested her head on the opened window looking at the beautiful streets they passed while debating on what Ella said. She would share her news to Travis and see how things pan out.

She didn't know when they got to the field where they had this movie night. She had thought it would have been only them but seeing the crowd the thought disappeared. Travis helped her out of the car and went to get something from the back of the car. She took the folded blankets from him,he took her hand and they walked towards the crowd of people. They found a spot to lay their blankets. They laid it and sat on it.

  Travis looked uneasy immediately the movie started. He looked at her at the same time she did. They did this three times until Amalie said "I want to.." at the same time he said "I have somethi..."
They laughed.

"Ladies first."

Amalie blushed "My boss..."

"Travis!" Amalie was interrupted by a shout from behind. They both looked back and there and then her worst enemy stood behind them rolling eyes at Amalie.

"You!...Didn't you have enough with Kenth."

"What are you talking about?" Travis immediately stood up to stop Isabella from replying but was too late.

"You are with my husband. Travis is my husband."

"What?" Amalie went on her knees looking directly at Travis waiting for him to disagree with what Isabella just said.

"You heard me bitch! Travis is my Husband! Husb....."

Amalie didn't wait for Isabella to finish the last word she was going to say, she stood up and left. Found a cab and gave directions to Anne's house.

"Amalie!" Travis said about to run after her but stopped and looked at Isabella "What are you doing here?"

"This is what you're busy doing not replying my calls. Going after that bitch!"

"Don't you ever open your trash and call Amalie a bitch."

"Why not? Isn't she? Trying to snatch everything that belongs to me."

"Snatch?" Travis ruffled his hair with his left hand and his right hand on his waist "Don't you think this had already ended a while back?" He sighed "Isabella it is over..I've told you forever that me and you can never work." He shouted and everyone looked up at him.

"What the hell are you saying?..let's go home." She said about to grab his hand when he grabbed hers and dragged her away from the field to his car.

When they got to his car he pushed her hands away aggressively.  "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I'm fighting for you."

"Forget I asked. Isabella its over. I was never in live with you. Go back to that man and leave me the hell alone." Isabella moved close to him but he moved back. "Don't you ever come close to me or try to reach out to me, off not you wouldn't like what would happen next." With that he walked to his car, got in and drove to the hotel.

He got down from his car immediately he go to the front of the hotel, leaving his car door opened and rushed inside.

"Did Amalie come here?" He asked Eddy who was presently the only one in sight.

"Amalie! She just Left..."


"Yeah! With her daughter and their bags. Did something ha..."

Travis ran out of the reception, got into his car and drive to the airport. He walked to the departure section and asked a lady "Can I get tickets to California?"

"The last flight to California just left. Come back tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" He ruffled his hair with his right hand and walked away from the lady. He got into his car and screamed at the top of his voice.

She had left. He had blew it.

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